- concrete of nefiler 枇杷浸膏
- A concretion of seminal ideas in her treatise. 在她的论文中含有许多有待发展的思想
- The machine rests on a bed of concrete. 机器安装在混凝土基座上。
- The purpose of this study is to obtain the heavy concrete of much higher stability. 本研究的目的是要获得具有很高稳定性的重混凝土。
- The house is made of stone, not concrete. 那房子是石造的,不是混凝土造的。
- The statue rests on a bed of concrete. 这座雕像立在混凝土的基座上。
- "Concrete utopia" of Bloch represents the ontological concrete of Western Marxism. 布洛赫的“具体的乌托邦”则代表着当代西方马克思主义对具体性进行的本体论探索。
- The front of the house was faced with concrete. 房屋正面涂著一层混凝土。
- The Application of the Prestressed Concrete of Bonded Post Tensioning in the Construction of a Large Span Roof Truss. 后张法有粘结预应力砼在大跨度屋架施工中的应用
- These buildings are made of concrete and steel. 这些房屋是用钢筋混凝土建成的。
- With a fling of arm, Dandy hauls Daniel onto the concrete of a building 200 meters away. 有钱仔把臂一甩,忧郁伟被扔了出去,撞在200米外的一栋建筑物外墙上。
- Concrete is made of cement, sand, stone and water. 混凝土是由水泥,砂子石头和水混合做的。
- The points and measures of constructing basic concrete of polypropylene fibre in oversize area are introduced. 介绍了大体积砼质量控制要点及措施。
- Increased gradeability reduces travel speeds. **Gradeability shown for concrete of asphalt surfaces. 提升爬坡能力会相对减低行走速度。
- The construction method for removing the old concrete of Danjiangkou Dam are described. 介绍丹江口大坝旧混凝土拆除的几种施工方法。
- Resilience law measure concrete compression strength, one that building trade use extensively is it measure method, concrete of quality to can't harm at present. 回弹法检测混凝土抗压强度,是目前建筑行业广泛应用的一种无损检测混凝土质量的方法。
- A new method for unbiased estimating standard deviation of strength of concrete of inspected lot is proposed in this paper. 给出了一种混凝土验收批强度标准差的无偏估计方法。
- The gravel ingredient of concrete. 石碴组成混凝土的砂料
- The adoption of fine aggregates can reduce the separation of aggregates and improve the compactness and surface smoothness of concrete of the sidewall. 配合比中用小区料作骨料,能减少骨料分离,提高边墙混凝土密实性及表面平整度。
- Although the class of artificial dinas is low, it is possible to compound dense concrete of high quality if proper compounding rate is chosen. 虽然人工砂石的级配较差,但只要选择合适的混凝土配合比,是完全可以配制出高性能的自密实混凝土。