- He woke his audience to the need for concerted action. 他使听众意识到有必要采取一致的行动。
- We must take concerted action and cut his claws. 我们必须齐心合力,斩断他的魔爪。
- Concerted action alone leads to victory. 步调一致才能得胜利。
- Such a resolution mobilizes international opinion, forces concerted action and can mute much criticism. 这样一个决议可以调动国际舆论,迫使国际社会采取行动并且使不同意见销声匿迹。
- With concerted action, countries will find that each national stimulus buys more confidence than it would do alone. 如果各国政府能够协同一致,将比单独出台财政措施更能激励民众的信心。
- To take concerted action against international terrorism,and to accede as soon as possible to all the relevant international conventions. 采取协调行动打击国际恐怖主义,并尽快加入所有相关的国际公约。
- The Representative added that in order to achieve a concerted action, cooperation was needed among governmental and non-governmental organizations. 该代表补充说,实现协同行动需要政府间组织和非政府组织之间的合作。
- Speaking in parliament, British Prime Minister Gorden Brown told lawmakers concerted action is crucial to stem the global financial crisis. 英国首相布朗在国会发表讲话,高速立法者们协定的行动对于阻止全球金融危机是很关键的。
- But they also point to the possible need for concerted action by the world's central banks to fight inflation once the US economy has been stabilized. 但他们同时指出,一旦美国经济状况趋于稳定,为抵制通胀,全球央行将可能必须采取与美联储的协同行动。
- Speaking in parliament, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown told lawmakers concerted action is crucial to stem the global financial crisis. 英国首相布朗在议会发言时对立法者表示,联合行动遏止全球金融危机非常重要。
- Graham IM,Daly LE,Refsum HM,et al.Plasma homocysteine as a risk factor vascular disease.The European Concerted Action Project[J]. 郭清华;陆菊明;秦海红;等.;2型糖尿病微血管病变患者血浆同型半胱氨酸的变化及其机制的探讨[J]
- To take concerted action against international terrorism, and to accede as soon as possible to all the relevant international conventions. -采取协调行动打击国际恐怖主义,并尽快加入所有相关的国际公约。
- In general matters,that is,matters of strategy,the lower levels should report to the higher and follow their instructions so as to ensure concerted action. 凡关于一般事项,即战略性质的事项,下级必须报告上级,并接受上级的指导,以收协同动作之效。
- In general matters, that is, matters of strategy, the lower levels should report to the higher and follow their instructions so as to ensure concerted action. 凡关于一般事项,即战略性质的事项,下级必须报告上级,并接受上级的指导,以收协同动作之效。
- After opposite party quotes price, tripartite concerted action, when has a side to renege on a promise, reneges on a promise the side to undertake the corresponding loss. 在对方报价之后,三方一致行动,当有一方反悔,反悔方必须承担相应损失。
- Graham IM,Daly LE,Refsum HM,et al.Plasma homocysteine as a risk factor for vascular disease.The European concerted action project[J].JAMA,1997,277:1775. 李华;蒲传强;殷宗健;等.;缺血性脑血管病血清同型半胱氨酸和纤维蛋白原水平的变化及其相关性分析[J]
- IT TOOK quite literally a bomb to shift the big powers into concerted action at the United Nations Security Council against a long-defiant, boastfully nuclear-capable North Korea. 真有用,一颗核弹就使大国们在联合国安理会采取一致行动反对采取长期对抗态度,傲慢的具有核能力的北朝鲜。
- The incentive structure for central banks to join such concerted action is less likely to create free rider problems than is the case for fiscal policy. 与财政政策相比,鼓励央行加入这种联合行动的激励结构产生搭便车问题的可能性更小。
- JGraham IM,Daly LE,Refsum HM,et al.Plasma homocysteine as a risk factor vascular disease.The European Concerted Action Project[J].JA-MA, 1997,39(22):1390. 郭清华,陆菊明,秦海红;等.;2型糖尿病微血管病变患者血浆同型半胱氨酸的变化及其机制的探讨[J]
- The term "jointly control" as mentioned in the present Measures means to control an economic activity jointly according to the contractual stipulations or concerted action. 本办法所称共同控制是指按合同约定或一致行动时,对某项经济活动所共有的控制。