- In computer programming, a jump instruction. 计算机程序设计中的一种跳转指令。建议使用jump。
- His area of concentration is nuclear physics. 他的专门研究范围是原子物理学。
- In computer programming, to execute a call. 在计算机程序设计中指执行一次调用。
- The drug affects one's power(s) of concentration. 这种药影响人精神不能集中。
- There is a concentration of people in big cities. 大城市人口集中。
- He seized every chance to break out of the Nazi concentration camp. 他抓住一切机会从纳粹集中营跑出来。
- Keywords cuprous iodide;crystal growth;decomplexation method;concentration programming;diffusion rule; 碘化亚铜;晶体生长;络合解络法;浓度控制;扩散规律;
- A state of mental concentration. 专心致志,全神贯注全神贯注的状态
- Exceptionally great concentration, power, or force. 特别强烈的程度,力量或动力
- The POWs burst out from(of) that Nazi concentration camp one night. 一天夜里战俘们冲出了那个纳粹集中营。
- Just as writing a fiction, programming is a process of creating art. 如同写小说一样,程序设计也是一个艺术创造的过程。
- Stress and tiredness often result in a lack of concentration. 紧张和疲劳常使人精神不集中。
- Concentration is essential if you want to do a good job. 如果你想把事情做好,专心是必要的。
- The tennis players need total concentration during play. 网球运动员在比赛中需要全神贯注。
- A programming language for preparing computer-aided instruction courses. 一种用于准备计算机辅助教学课程的程序设计语言。
- A computer programming language widely used on microcomputers. C语言广泛用于小型电脑的计算机程式设计语言
- Crudely programming children to make the right responses. 很粗略地训练孩子们自发地做出正确的反应
- He spent several months in a Nazi concentration camp before he broke out. 他在纳粹集中营里关了几个月后逃了出来。
- Here, too, Extreme Programming is extreme. 这里,极端编程也是极端的。
- He has not much experience in programming. 他没多少编程的经验。