- completely filled grouting 全充填注浆法
- Sorry, we are completely filled. 对不起,我们客满了。
- Water heater completely filled with water. 热水器完全注满水。
- A space completely filled with matter. 充满物质的空间
- The reservoir behind the Tarbela Dam was completely filled in 1975. Tarbela坝拦成的水库到1975年蓄满水。
- Air will completely fill any container, in which it may be placed. 不管空气装在什么容器里,它都能把容器充满。
- The completely filled fruit on October in here is mayflower. 十月这里饱满的果实就是五月开的花。
- The seats in the second plane had almost all been completely filled . 第二架飞机的座位几乎全部被占满了。
- If all the shells containing electrons are completely filled,the effects cancel out and each atom has a resultant zero magnetic moment. 如果有的电子层上均排满电子,则作用力互相抵消,而导致每个电子的磁矩为零。
- Most plain text messages do not consist of a number of bytes that completely fill blocks. 大多数纯文本消息不会包含可完全填充块的大量字节。
- Be sure tank is completely filled with water before making any electrical connections. 在进行任何电气连接之前,确保热水器已经完全注满水。
- Control to completely fill the area of the MDI child form, even when the form is resized. 控件也会完全填充该窗体的区域。
- Apply power to the water heater only after the tank is completely filled with water. 只能在热水器完全注满水后才能够接通电源。
- Even if I am very hungry, I should not completely fill up my plate with food, leaving none for others. 即使非常肚饿,也不能把自己的盘子装得满满的,一点也不礼让其他人。
- Usually the bearing is completely filled with grease and the free space in the housing filled to between 30 and 50 %. 一般说来,轴承内完全填满油脂,而轴承座内空间则填到30到50%25之间。
- Using waste rock fill grouting mud way to seal ordo'vician water 用毛石充填注浆法封堵奥灰水
- Early cylinders were completely filled with a porous filler material consisting of diatomaceous earth, charcoal, asbestos, and cement. 每个钢瓶都彻底填满了由硅藻土、木炭、石棉和水泥组成的多孔渗水材料。
- In the band structure, one band that is completely filled with electrons is termed valence band. 在能带结构中,完全填满电子的带被称为价带。
- The harder he kicked, the bigger the ball grew. At last it completely filled up the road. 他越用力地踢,球变的越大,后来球竟将路完全堵住了。
- I have a statement I would like to truthfully and completely fill in the above content, and responsible. 我谨声明我已如实和完整地填写了上述内容并对此负责。