- completed jail term 服刑期满,刑期届满
- He said he was wanted in Biella, another city in the north where he had not completed a jail term,told police in Vercelli: "Arrest me. 他说,北方另一个城市比埃拉正在通缉他,他尚未服满在那里的刑期。不过,他对维切利警方说:“抓我吧。
- He said he was wanted in Biella, another city in the north where he had not completed a jail term, but told police in Vercelli: "Arrest me. 他说,北方另一个城市比埃拉正在通缉他,因为他尚未服满在那里的刑期。不过,他对维切利警方说:“抓我吧。
- Mandatory community service? Perhaps even a short jail term? 做强制性的社区义工?甚至是短期监禁?
- The inmate also received a jail term of four months for his role in the case. 涉案囚犯亦被判入狱四个月。
- The Court ordered that four months of his sentence run consecutive to his present jail term. 法庭下令被告其中四个月刑期,与其正在服刑的刑期分期执行。
- But the appellant had his original jail term of three and a half years reduced to three years. 上诉人的刑期则由原来的三年半减至三年。
- The trio had their jail terms suspended for two years. 三人均获缓刑两年。
- Though they'd only receive them after completing their jail terms. 不过她们要到服刑期满后才能得到这笔钱。
- Zhou had been given a 2 and a haf years jail term for fraud and illegally possessing bullets in September. 9月份,周因诈骗罪以及非法持有弹药罪被判刑2年半。
- Payet was initially sentenced to a 30 year jail term for a murder committed during the robbery of a security van. 最初,佩埃特因为抢劫押款车时犯下谋杀罪而被判处30年监禁。
- He has been accused of acquiring state secrets, a charge that often heralds a jail term. 他被指控"非法持有国家机密",这通常会导致监禁。
- With his protector Jiang now fading into political obscurity, Chen could face a lengthy jail term or other harsh punishments. 陈的后台江地位不稳,陈良宇面临牢狱之苦或严厉惩罚。
- The draft stipulates that government officials who can't justify their assets are looking at a maximum jail term of 10 years. 草案规定,政府官员如果不能合理说明他们财产来源的将面临最高达10年的刑期。
- He was also convicted of buying maps of the electricity grid in order to plan his strikes, which carried a 15-year maximum jail term. 他还被判犯有为计划袭击而购买电网地图的罪行,执行最高15年的监禁。
- Wishing to cut down his jail term, the counsel agreed to turn into a tainted witness against defendants who had offered him bribes and helped him escape. 由于希望获得减刑,他愿意转为廉署污点证人,指证涉嫌行贿及协助他潜逃的被告。
- The Court of Appeal dismissed an application for leave to appeal by an unemployed man against his four-month jail term for possessing equipment for making false credit cards. 上诉法庭否决一名无业男子的上诉许可申请。该名男子管有制造伪造信用卡的工具,早前被判入狱四个月。
- She Xianglin, 39, walked free following the pronouncement of the Jingshan County People's Court, the same body which in 1998 sentenced him to a 15-year jail term. 佘湘林,1998年被金山人民法院宣判15年监禁,终于在同样的法庭宣布无罪之后自由走出。
- I think the work can be completed ahead of time. 我认为这项工作能提前完成。
- Only one of the KPK's own investigators has joined this select band, incurring a 30% supplement to his jail term, in accordance with his contract of employment. 只有一个KPK自己的调查官被绳之于法,按照劳动合同其刑期多加了30%25。