- I have complete determination to finish this project by noon. 我完全有决心在中午之前完成这个项目。
- In addition, the plaintiff may join as defendants all persons who are necessary to a complete determination or settlement of the questions. 除此之外,原告可以把所有对彻底解决或处理争议不可少的人作为被告合并起诉。
- If a defendant alleges that a complete determination of a controversy cannot be made without other parties, that defendant may bring in new third parties as third-party defendants. 如果被告声称彻底解决争议还必须有其他当事人,他可以将其他人作为第三人被告纳入该案。
- The complete equipment of the new hospital will take a year. 新医院的全部设备需要一年才能装备好。
- The leading role is played by a complete unknown. 演主角的是一个毫无名气的演员。
- People think this problem determination. 人们认为这个问题解决了。
- He confronted his pile of work with determination. 他很坚定地正视这一大堆工作。
- He should complete at this moment. 此刻他应该已经完成了。
- She spoke about her fears with complete frankness. 她对自己的恐惧直言不讳。
- Jonas & Hodgson model. It is hard to completely determine the industrial applicability of the models due to the lack of plant data. 因为缺少工业现场的数据作比较,对模型的工业适用性尚不能确定。
- She was accosted by a complete stranger. 有一个她完全不认识的人过来和她搭讪。
- Moreover, since advances may come from other fields, it is even difficult to completely determine which is HBV funding and which is not. 此外,因为预付款可能来自其它领域,要完全确定这一资金是用于HBV还是其它,是同样困难的。
- Our sales people need determination and drive. 我们的推销人员需要有决心和干劲。
- Lu Ying-chuan stressed that there is one thing very clear, the movement of these workers is completely determined by the market. 卢映川强调,有一点十分清楚,这些劳动者的流动完全是由市场来决定的。
- The new manager is a complete dud. 新经理完全是个废物。
- He stared at the words in complete puzzlement. 他注视着那些语句,茫然不解。
- He assailed his studies with new determination. 他以崭新的决心从事研究工作。
- She made a complete cock-up of the arrangements. 她把计划安排全弄糟了。
- This method avoids the technical difficulty in the monochrome radiation measurement.Theoretical analysis proves that this method can completely determine the temperature. 这种方法避免了单色辐射测量在技术实现上的难度,同时从理论上证明了具备求解温度的封闭完备性。
- My father was a man of determination. 我父亲是一个果断的人。