- You can choose something of equal value. 您可以选择等值的商品。
- The lines in a Contour chart connect interpolated points of equal value. 曲面图(俯视)中的线是连接具有相同值的以内插值替换的点得到的。
- Despite different class and social status, our lives are of equal value. 不管出身和地位如何不同,我们的生命都是等值的。
- Note: Energy types are converted into SCE calculated in terms of equal value. 注:能源品种均已折合为按等价值计算的吨标准煤。
- To encourage and support the reciprocal cooperation between guarantee agencies and financial institutions based on the principles of equality, voluntariness, fairness, making compensation for equal value, honesty and credibility. (八)按照平等、自愿、公平及等价有偿、诚实信用的原则,鼓励、支持金融机构与担保机构加强互利合作。
- Used especially of currencies,incapable of being exchanged for or replaced by another currency of equal value. 特别是用来指货币,不能够兑换成相同价值的货币或者不能用相同价值的货币代替。
- The capital of a joint stock limited company shall be divided into shares, and all the shares shall be of equal value. 第一百二十九条:股份有限公司的资本划分为股份,每一股的金额相等。
- May nothings were of equal value with another, but no one dare say one thing is definitely important than the other. 或许所有事情的价值都是一样的,也没有人可以说这件事就一定比那件事重要。
- Function to calculate how much of a payment is interest when all the payments are of equal value. 函数来计算当所有付款均为等额付款时每笔付款中的利息。
- The ticket was 100 TWD but I got a discount of equal value once inside.However, the meal was not really cheap. 不过说真的,里面的餐真的不便宜,随便吃一点都要300元以上,饮料也要200元。
- Compensation of the market value? 市场价值的赔偿?
- People cannot gain anything without sacrificing something,you must present something of equal value to gain something! 没有牺牲就没有获得,要想得到什麽,就必须付出同等的代价!
- Compensation of injured workers has cost the company a lot. 公司花了一大笔钱赔偿受伤的工人。
- We should simultaneously sign two contracts,one sales contract for beef and mutton,and the other contract of equal value for the purchase of cotton. 我们同时签两个合同,一是牛羊肉的销售(出口)合同,另一个是等额的棉花购买(进口)合同。
- This example uses the PPmt function to calculate how much of a payment for a specific period is principal when all the payments are of equal value. 此示例使用PPmt函数计算当所有付款都为等额付款时,在特定期间内付款额包含多少本金。
- If your first two cards are the same value, you may "split" them into two separate hands, placing a second wager of equal value. 如果您最初得到的两张牌的牌号相同,您可以将他们“分拆”成两付牌并补下与原下注金等额的下注金额。
- Function to calculate how much of a payment for a specific period is principal when all the payments are of equal value. 函数计算当所有付款等值时特定期间的付款中有多少是本金。
- This paper andlyses and disscusses the application of group of equal value in syn-thetize to the synthetize of carbonyl chemical compound. 本文介绍并讨论了某些合成用等价基团在合成羰基化合物中的应用。
- Who respond the compensation of the deadhead? 免费乘车人赔偿责任谁承担?
- Weights exchanges are common used in deadweight force standard machine when weight of equal value interval are uploaded and/or downloaded step by step. 摘要静重式力标准机利用少量的砝码,进行相等力值间隔逐级加、卸荷时,需要交换砝码。