- That has to do with community involvement and commitment. 这种活动对深入社会、承担社会责任有密切的关系。
- The need to ensure political commitment and community involvement. 必须确保政治承诺和社区参与。
- To encourage the community involvement in combating HIV AIDS; and to improve the quality of life of PWAs. 改善感染爱滋病病毒者爱滋病患者的生活质素。
- The eligibility of using the logo will be renewed each year to encourage continuous efforts of community involvement. 主办机构亦会每年更新参与公司名单,以鼓励它们对社区持续作出贡献。
- Community involvement is already taking treatment to the most remote, resource-poor settings. 社区参与已经在向最边远、资源匮乏的地区提供治疗。
- Community involvement or independent studies in an effort to meet the needs of individual student learning programs. 社区的涉入,或者是为了完成个人学习计划的独立学习。
- Around the world, the blue and gold gearwheel represents community involvement, international goodwill, and service. 在全世界各地,蓝色及金黄色构成的齿轮徽章代表社区参与、国际亲善、以及服务。
- LCCA will strive to further develop the use of the LCCAC to encourge more community involvement. 利兹华人协会会继续利用华人社区中心来促进更多的社区活动。
- Fabens has achieved true community involvement in its school technology program. 法本斯在学校信息技术规划方面已经实现了真正的社区连接。
- Other community involvement programmes such as the District Community Planting Days and the Scented Flower Exhibition also attracted a good level of public support. 其他的市民参与计划,例如分区社区植树日及香花展也深受市民支持。
- A toolbook on Corporate Community Involvement was published to help companies, in particular SMEs, to enter partnership relations with NGOs. 出版企业公民参与的工具书,帮助企业尤其是中小企业与志愿福利服务机构合作。
- No other open source database is as well suited as Derby for extending the Java stack like this, and driving innovation through community involvement. 没有哪种开放源代码数据库像Derby这样适合扩展Java架构,并带动整个社区的革新。
- The Provisional Urban Council's Green Hong Kong Campaign is in its fourth year and continues to focus on three elements: community involvement,education and tree-planting. 临时市政局的绿化香港运动已踏入第四年,主要活动仍然集中在3方面:市民参与、教育及植树。
- During the year,the council conducted publicity and community involvement campaigns with particular emphasis on discouraging smoking in public and in workplaces. 年内,委员会推行了一连串宣传及社区参与活动,特别着重劝谕吸烟者不要在公众场所和工作间吸烟。
- In keeping with the biosphere reserve model, it will promote greater community involvement and intergovernmental coordination in managing nature reserves. 按照生物圈保护区模型,本项目还将进一步扩大社区的参与以及加强在自然保护区管理的过程中政府间的协调作用。
- The Panel may also invite the nominees to present their community involvement and achievements in the panel meeting, and or may visit the company or partnership projects. 评审团可能邀请有关公司或企业出席会议,解释社区参与的经验及成就,亦可能安排参观伙伴合作计划。
- Deloitte's strategic approach to community involvement focuses on mobilizing the organization's intellectual capital to strengthen the nonprofit sector. 德勤的战略方针,以社区参与的重点是动员组织的智力资本,以加强非营利部门。
- The Provisional Urban Council's Green Hong Kong Campaign is in its fourth year and continues to focus on three elements: community involvement, education and tree-planting. 临时市政局的绿化香港运动已踏入第四年,主要活动仍然集中在3方面:市民参与、教育及植树。
- During the year, the council conducted publicity and community involvement campaigns with particular emphasis on discouraging smoking in public and in workplaces. 过去一年,委员会推行了一连串宣传及社区参与活动,特别着重劝谕吸烟者不要在公众场所和工作间吸烟。
- Keepers of the Waters aims to inspire and promote projects which combine art, science and community involvement to restore, preserve and remediate water sources. 水管理组织致力于激发和促进以保护水资源为主题的艺术,科学和社团联合的创作。并提供中国成都活水花园的信息。