- Its liberal Communist government has given free enterprise all the latitude that most of the people can live with. 共产党给予企业家大多数人可以接受的发展空间。
- When did China start to allow capitalist systems and corporations and how does that work with a communist government? 中国何时开始接纳资本义义体系和允许资本主义企业进入中国?这一切是如何与共产主义的政府相协调的?
- S. imposed on the communist government for its alleged money laundering and counterfeiting of $100 bills. 美国利用共产党政府进行所谓的洗黑钱和伪造100美金纸币。
- After Poland's Communist government collapsed in 1990, Walesa became Poland's first popularly elected president. 1990年,波兰共党政权垮台之后,瓦文萨当选为波兰首届民选总统。
- But he said the communist government must open up politically in order to reach its full potential. 但他指出,为了充分发挥潜力,越南的共产党政府必须在政治上开放。
- In Taiwan's politics insinuations of meddling by the mainland's Communist government are pervasive. 台当局诸如“中共插手”之类的暗示正在蔓延。
- Relations between Russia and Western Europe warmed after the communist government in Moscow fell. 在苏联共产主义政权倒台之后,俄罗斯和西欧的关系逐渐回暖。
- They also understand that the law, for all its technicalities, does not chime with an avowedly communist government. 他们同样清楚地知道不论此法在“技术”上如何雕琢,实际上,它是和公开宣扬自己是共产党政府的中国政府不合拍的。
- President Bush told China that America is firmly opposed to the way the Communist government represses its own people. 布什总统告诉中国,美国政府是坚决反对共产党政府压制人民的方法。
- His ideas were that everyone should be the same, poor and bridled by the communist government. 他的主张是人人都得一样,贫穷,而且被共产党政府套上笼头。
- Awesome! China has a booming free market economy. Its liberal Communist government has given free enterprise all the latitude that most of the people can live with. 中国有一个蓬勃的自由市场经济,共产党给予企业家大多数人可以接受的发展空间。
- After the revolution, the communist government sold off many of Faberge's creations, and most of them found their way into Western collections. 革命结束后,共产党政府卖掉了费尔奇的许多作品,这些被卖掉的作品很多已经被许多西方的收藏家收藏。
- They do not want to return to Laos, saying they face persecution, even possible death, at the hands of its communist government. 他们不愿回到寮国,说他们如果落入寮国共产政府的手中,一定会被迫害,甚至可能被杀死。
- Prospects for a de-nuclearized Korean peninsula have diminished in recent weeks with a series of defiant moves by North Korea's communist government. 由于北韩共产党政权最近几周的一系列挑衅行动,朝鲜半岛无核化的前景变得更加渺茫。
- In 1917 a revolution in Russia overthrew the Tsarist monarchy and brought Vladimir Lenin to power as leader of the world’s first communist government. 1917年,俄罗斯爆发革命,推翻了沙皇独裁统治,列宁上台,成为全世界第一个共产主义政府的领导人。
- President Barack Obama has been under pressure to recast the nation's relations with Cuba and ease decades of restrictions on the Communist government. 美国总统奥巴马在如何调整与古巴的关系以及是否放松数十年来对古巴共产党政府的限制等问题上面临压力。
- The protests that rocked the communist government in 1989 were in part fueled by popular resentment of endemic financial chicanery. 1989年那次震动共产党政府的游行示威一部分原因就是公众对于地方的金融欺诈严重不满。
- Her work, which was censored by the then communist government in Romania was smuggled into Germany where it received rave reviews. 她的作品受到当然罗马尼亚共党政府的审查,走私进入德国后受到好评。
- US President Barack Obama has engaged in an unprecedented written exchange with a blogger in Cuba who is openly critical of its communist government. 美国总统奥巴马与古巴公开批评其共产主义政府的某博客作者展开空前的书面交谈。
- Once upon a time, the Communist government strictly enforced draconian laws against homosexuality, imprisoning and even executing those convicted. 曾几何时,共产主义政府严格执行反对同性恋的严酷法律。