- The goods be inspect by the china commodity inspection bureau before shipment . 这批货在装船前由中国商品检验局进行过检验。
- We have the best surveyor,China Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau. 我们有最好的公证行,即中国进出口商品检验局。
- Here's the survey report issued by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau. 这是一份中国商品检验局出具的检验报告。
- We have the best surveyor, China ImportExport Commodity Inspection Bureau. 有最好的公证行,即中国进出口商品检验局。
- We have the best surveyor, China Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau. 咱们有最好的公证行,即中国进出口商品检验局。
- The tianjin commodity inspection bureau is authorized to inspect the say consignment on its arrival. 授权天津商检局在上述货物运达时进行检验。
- The goods were inspected by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau before shipment. 这批货在装船前由中国商品检验局进行过检验。
- The inspecting report from the Tianjin Commodity Inspection Bureau. 天津市产品质量监督检验所检验报告。
- And as you may know,China Commodity Inspection Bureau enjoys international reputation for impartiality. 你算知道,中国商检局的公正全球闻名。
- The outcome to the shipment is not satisfactory,as is certified here by China Commodity Inspection Bureau. 本地的中国商品检验局已经证实,运的货物质量无法令人满意。
- We lodge a claim for U.S.$800,together with a survey report by the Shanghai commodity inspection bureau. 我们提出索赔800美元,并附上上海商检局的检验报告。
- And as you may know, China Commodity Inspection Bureau enjoys international reputation for impartiality . 你算知道,中国商检局的公正全球闻名。
- Certainly. Here's a survey report issued by the Beijing Commodity Inspection Bureau. 当然的,这是北京商检局的报告。
- Here is the survey report issued by China Commodity Inspection Bureau, which will surely support out claim. 这是中国商品检验局的检验报告,它无疑为我们的索赔提供了证据。
- In support of our claim, we are sending you a survey report issued by the Commodity Inspection Bureau. 为了说明我方索赔理由,现寄上商检局的检验报告。
- Certificate of Quality, Quantity and Weight issued by China Commodity Inspection Bureau. 中国进出口商品检验局出具的品质、数量、重量合格证明一式三份。
- By China Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau or by any of its branches. 证明书将由中国进出口商品检验局或其分支机构出具。
- The investigation made by the Commodity Inspection Bureau has revealed that the da. 商检局的调查表明,货物损坏是因包装不良所致。
- And as you may know,china commodity inspection bureau enjoy international reputation for impartiality. 你算知道,中国商检局的公正全球闻名。
- The certificate will be issued by China Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau or by any of its branches. 检验证明书将由中国进出口商品检验局或其分支机构出具。