- They were reluctant to commit themselves to any definite proposals. 他们不原意负责提出任何明确的建议。
- Some people marry into families rather than commit themselves to a partner. 婚姻让一些人成为一个家庭的一员,而非将自己托付给一个伴侣。
- Children will be happier and adults more willing to commit themselves to their professions. 孩子们会更快乐,成人们也更愿意专心于自己的事业。
- Reactors are inconsistent and reluctant to commit themselves to any one specific situation. 反应者不能在任何特定情况下做出前后一致的和果断的承诺。
- All in all, Chinese spring palace paintings are inclined to poetic imagination, yet western nudes commit themselves to veracious expression. 总体上看,春宫图偏向于诗意的想象,而人体画则侧重于具象表现。
- The EOG can also coordinate incentives and motivate more of its members to commit themselves to addressing social and ecological issues. EOG也会鼓励成员们去积极地参与相关的议题讨论。
- They talk to NGOs and to governments, create codes of conduct and commit themselves to more transparency in their operations. 他们与政府和非政府组织交流,制定行为规范并承诺对他们的运营提供更多的透明度。
- The southern African regional organization SADCC has called on the political rivals in Madagascar to commit themselves to peaceful negotiations. 南部非洲发展协调会议(SADCC)要求其在马达加斯加的政治对手进行和平谈判。
- Both sides committed themselves to settle the conflict peacefully. 双方承诺和平解决矛盾。
- Intelligent control is the hotpot in contemporary research, many scholars commit themselves to applying intelligent control to electronic control automation. 智能控制是目前研究的热点,有许多学者致力于将智能控制应用于电气传动领域。
- Both sides committed themselves to settle the dispute peacefully. 双方承诺和平解决争端。
- As a guiding principle for this relationship,he has proposed a "Global Compact" under which world business leaders commit themselves to certain norms in the areas of human rights,labour standards and the environment. 他提出了一项《全球契约》,作为这种关系的指导原则。各国商界领导人按照《契约》承诺实施人权、劳工标准和环境等准则。
- As a guiding principle for this relationship, he has proposed a "Global Compact" under which world business leaders commit themselves to certain norms in the areas of human rights, labour standards and the environment. 他提出了一项《全球契约》,作为这种关系的指导原则。 各国商界领导人按照《契约》承诺实施人权、劳工标准和环境等准则。
- The banks have committed themselves to boosting profits by slashing costs. 银行承诺他们会通过削减成本来提升盈利。
- Securities companies shall not make promises, in any form, concerning the profitability of securities transactions or commit themselves to compensate customers for losses incurred as a result of securities transactions. 第一百四十三条证券公司不得以任何方式对客户证券买卖的收益或者赔偿证券买卖的损失作出承诺。
- Although world religion, empire, and transnational unreligious ideology all commit themselves to realize homogenization, the result is that the ingredients of national culture are more diversity. 世界性宗教、帝国和跨国世俗意识形态都致力于推动同质化,但其客观效果却使民族文化的成分更加多元化。
- The police had sold themselves to the gang leaders. 那些警察已卖身投靠匪首。
- Nearly 170 countries have ratified the Convention,legally committing themselves to ensuring women's equality. 近170个国家已批准该公约,在法律上承诺确保妇女平等。
- Borrowers should think carefully before committing themselves to taking out a loan. 借款人应当慎重考虑之后再行借贷。
- Jimy Carter was one of the rare American presidents who sincerely committed themselves to promoting the world peace. 吉米·卡特是美国历史上少有的在执政期间真正有意致力于推动世界和平的总统之一。