- We block space on commercial flights to ensure a stable space supply and 100% uplift for air cargo. 我们包下商业航班的舱位以确保稳定的舱位供应,保证我们空运货物100%25被航空公司装运。
- We block space on commercial flights to ensure a stable space supply and100% uplift for air cargo. 我们包下商业航班的舱位以确保稳定的舱位供应,保证我们空运货物100%25航空公司装运。
- Are the cabinet ministers justified in using luxury Challenger jets when cheaper commercial flights are available? 你觉得在商业航班可以满足的情况下,加拿大内阁成员是否还有必要乘坐奢侈的专机?
- This week Air Greenland began commercial flights between Kangerlussuaq, a former military airstrip to the south, and Baltimore in Maryland. 本周,格陵兰航空公司在Kangerlussuaq和马里兰州的巴尔的摩间首开商业航线。
- The following morning, at 7:35am on October 24, 2003, BA's Concorde G-BOAG departed from Kennedy Airport on its last ever commercial flight. 第二天上午,2003年10月24日7:35,英航的G-BOAG协和客机离开肯尼迪机场开始其最后一次商业飞行。
- The A22 Valor is available as a ready-to-fly aircraft, Accepted for commercial flight training (S-LSA), or as a quick build kit (a level of E-LSA). 华尔莱科技的解答22可作为一种现成的飞机飞行,接受商业飞行训练(的S-的LSA),或作为快速建立包(一定程度的电子商务的LSA)。
- Concorde makes its last commercial flight, bringing the era of airliner supersonic transport to a close, at least for the time being. 2003年的今天,协和式飞机进行了其最后一次商业飞行,从而结束了客机的超音带运输时代。
- Saturday's flight would have been the nation's first international commercial flight since 1990, when U.N. sanctions were imposed after Iraq invaded Kuwait. 从1990年伊拉克入侵科威特,联合国对伊拉克实行制裁以来,周六的航班是伊拉克第一次商业性质的国际航班。
- The courtship concluded on Sunday, as Clemens and Hendricks boarded an early-morning Continental Airlines commercial flight out of Houston, bound for New York. 礼拜天,洋基的追求总算有果,而克莱门斯和亨德瑞也从休斯顿搭上了前往纽约的清晨班机。
- Air China has no commercial flights to Tonga so it has to take a circuitous route covering a total of21,100 kilometres over nine countries, according to airline spokesman Wang Yongsheng. 中国航空公司发言人王永生说,由于中国国航没有飞往汤加的商务航班,所以飞机不得不采取迂回路线,穿越9个国家,全程达21,000公里。
- Air China has no commercial flights to Tonga so it has to take a circuitous route covering a total of 21,100 kilometres over nine countries, according to airline spokesman Wang Yongsheng. 中国航空发言人王永申称,该公司没有开通到汤加的商业航班,因此不得不采取绕行航线的方式,途经9个国家,路程总计21100公里。
- Russian Foreign Ministry said Russia and Taiwan would begin scheduled commercial flights if the initial two flights proved to be commercially viable. 俄罗斯外交部又说,如果最初的两班飞航被认为在商业上可行,则俄罗斯和台湾将展开定期商业飞航。
- The Airbus A380, the world's biggest passenger plane, took off Tuesday from Singapore's Changi Airport for its inaugural commercial flight to London, the jet's first European destination. 世界最大的客机空中客车A380于周二从新加坡的樟宜机场起飞,开始它的商业首航。飞机将飞往伦敦,这也是它的首个欧洲目的地。
- the first commercial flights across the Atlantic 头几次横跨大西洋的商业飞行
- Concorde makes its last commercial flight 协和式飞机最后一次飞行
- I'll book you on a direct flight to London. 我将为你预订直飞伦敦的航班。
- The flight to Accra goes twice a week. 飞往阿克拉的班机一星期开两班。
- The old woman fell down a flight of stairs. 那位老太太从一段楼梯上摔了下来。
- SIA launches the world's longest commercial flight 新航推出全球最长航线
- Flights have been dislocated by thefog. 大雾将飞机的班次搅乱了。