- commercial developed index 商业发达指数
- Opened the area to commercial development. 开放这个区域作为商业发展之用
- Commercial developed for the establishment of business centres and laid a good foundation. 商业的发达为商务中心的建立奠定了良好基础。
- The developed index system includes the water quality assessment standard, t he calculation method and the water qual ity meaning of index. 评价指数系统包括评价依据、综合指数的计算以及评价结果的水质含义和报告方法等。
- Only commercial development can make the economy prosper. 只有发展商业,才能繁荣经济。
- The speed index is the development index of the bearing capacity. 速度指标为承载力发展指数。
- Suitable to real estate and community commercial development. 适宜房地产和社区商业开发。
- Other private and public housing and commercial developments are in progress. 西九龙填海区内的其他发展工程已在进行中,其中包括私人屋苑、公共房屋及商业楼宇。
- We predict further development index basing on experimental formula. 根据经验公式对其开发指标进行预测。
- The area has remained relatively untouched by commercial development. 相对而言,这个地区至今没有受到商业开发的影响。
- Commercially developed, Wuzhou was a commercial center and the economic lifeline of Guangxi in modern times. 摘要近代梧州商业特别发达,是全省商业之中心,曾一度控制着全省的经济命脉,是广西经济的重心。
- It also has a strong team of public and commercial developers working on it. 还有一支强大的公共和商业开发人员团队为其工作。
- The commercial development is under planning by KRTC.All three depots will be developed according to their characteristics respectively. 目前正由高雄捷运公司进行土地使用之整体规划,预计将依照三处机厂之不同特性,规划适合的业种。
- According to the UN Human Development Index, of the 175 nations in the world, Niger is ranked second from the bottom. 按联合国人文发展指数排列,尼日尔在世界175个国家中位于倒数第二。
- The United Nations has published its human development index every year since 1990. 联合国从1990年开始发布“人类发展指数”年度报告。
- As per the UN Human Development Index China was 107th bracketed with Albania and Namibia. 按照联合国“人类发展指数”,中国排在107位,和阿尔巴尼亚及纳米比亚同列。
- There are several measures to enliven the market in the plan of commercial development this year. 在今年的发展商业工作计划中,有搞活市场的若干措施。
- The model in the prediction for the development index of a polymer flooding blo... 应用该模型,对大庆油田聚合物驱区块开发指标进行的预测结果比较理想。
- METHOD: by scale of child development center of china (CDCC), development index (MDI) were checked in these children. 方法:采用婴幼儿智能发育测验(CDCC),对发育指数进行分析。
- The CHINA TEAM Business Club also creates a favourable environment for commercial development in China. 中国之队商业俱乐部的另一个志愿就是促进其成员在中国的商业发展。