- Command Line (or Prompt) This is where the application prompts you to take some sort of action in the Document Design Window or enter data in the command input box. 命令行(或提示)它是当你在文挡设计窗口中操作时或在命令输入框中的键入时应用程序给予的某种提示。
- In the face detection phase, the neural network is used to judge whether the input region of the resized images contained a face. 在人脸检测阶段,通过将缩放后的图像的各个区域输入神经网络,由神经网络判断输入区域中是否包含人脸;
- This paper mainly discussed the control command input circuit,HS2262/HS2272coding and decoding circuit,315MHz radio transmitter,RX3310A receiver and the interface circuit of this system,analyzed the point of technology of each part. 本文重点阐述了该系统的遥控指令输入电路、HS2262/HS2272编解码电路、315MHz无线电发射电路、RX3310A无线接收电路、接口电路等的组成及技术要点。
- A Micro-Computer Based Speech Command Input System 计算机语声命令输入系统
- The NAND flash memory is a serial-type device, which utilizes the I/O pins for both address and data input/output as well as for command inputs, eases interfacing to microcontrollers. NAND型闪速存储器采用串行结构,I/O端口既作为地址和命令的输入口,又作为数据的输入/输出口,与微控制器的接口简单。
- Space manipulator direct motivated, flexible preshaping command input control 空间机械臂直接驱动、挠性的输入成型控制
- The captain reiterated the command to us. 上尉对我们重申了那项命令。
- There are several errors in the input. 输入中有好几处错误。
- A new or recently revised edition of input data. 输入数据的新的或最近校对过的“版本”。
- The sergeant bawled out a command to his men. 那个中士向士兵大声发令。
- The soldiers will rush in at the officer's command. 军官一下命令士兵们就会冲进来。
- Does seniority give one the right to command? 难道年长资深就有权发号施令吗?
- The boy do not move though the teacher reiterate her command. 虽然教师一再命令,但这孩子动都不动。
- General White was in command of the army. 怀特将军统率那个军队。
- Use direct input and type the SQL command in the. 属性中使用直接输入并键入SQL命令。
- The King's request was tantamount to a command. 国王的要求就相当於命令。
- A military command to turn clockwise 180°. 向后转军队中的命令,顺时针转体180°。
- He was accustomed to command, not to entreat. 他习惯于发号施令,而不是恳求他人。
- She has a large English vocabulary at her command. 她能灵活运用掌握的大量英语辞汇。
- He has a hundred men under his command. 他指挥一百个人。