- come as no news to 对
- These results came as no surprise to Prof Pfeffer. 这些调查结果对于普赛弗教授来说毫不意外。
- I have no news to impart(to you). 我没有消息可告诉你.
- I knew that long ago.; That's no news to me. 我早知道了。
- Keane's brace came as no surprise to the Albion faithful. 基小恩的爆发对于西布朗死忠们来说一点也不奇怪。
- His resignation came as no surprise. 他的辞职毫不令人惊讶。
- While Giambi's silky secret may come as a shock to his fans, it wasn't news to his teammates. 技安这个小秘密可能会吓到他的球迷,但对他的队友们来说,却不是一则新闻了。
- It should come as no surprise to learn that many abused children become abusers later in life. 发现很多受虐待的儿童后来虐待别人,并不是奇怪的事。
- But this should come as no surprise - surely anyone with any knowledge knows all this already. 但这算不上什么新鲜说法,稍有知识的人对此都应了然于胸。
- This should come as no surprise: Children inherit their parents'body types both via genetics and shared experience. 这结果其实应该是意料中事:儿童是通过遗传及共同生活继承父母的体型的。
- That capitalism has been shown, in practice, to be endemically flawed should come as no surprise. 实践已表明,资本主义存在固有缺陷,这一点不足为奇。
- However, these ideas inevitably turn into bubbles as no new social forces emerge to check the monarch power. 由于催生新社会的动因先天不足,致使某些新质因素胎死腹中。
- It comes as no surprise to learn that they broke their promises. 得知他们食言并不让人觉得意外。
- No Goblet of Fire DVD release parties This may come as surprising news to those who recall the events for the Chamber of Secrets and Prisoner of Azkaban DVDs. 这个消息对那些仍对密室和阿兹卡班的囚徒DVD隆重的发行仪式记忆犹新的人来说有些出乎意料。但是,华纳已向我们确认了这一消息。
- It should come as no surprise that the color of the sun would hold many positive connotations. 它应是意料中指出,颜色的太阳将举行许多积极的内涵。
- Such exaggerations from the Tibetan community in exile come as no surprise though. 这种夸张,从西藏流亡社会在来并不令人感到意外,虽然。
- As a beginner, everything is very new to him. 他刚起步,对一切都很生疏。
- Don't bother to dress up come as you are. 用不着穿讲究衣服--就穿平常的衣服来吧。
- Up to the present, we've had no news about him. 我们至今还没有他的消息。
- He says he will consider the general's request for troops with a “sceptical” mindset even though it should have come as no surprise. 他说他将带着“怀疑性的”心态来考虑麦克里斯特尔的增兵请求,纵然这应该是意料之中的。