- collecting soil solutions 收集土壤溶液
- The Russian spacecraft will touch down on the Martian moon Phobos and collect soil samples for return to Earth. 而俄国探测器则将在火星最大的卫星"火卫一"上登陆,采集土壤样品然然后带回地球研究。(国媒体报道说,"火卫一探测器"装载的土壤采样设备将由香港理工大学提供。
- Drainage water analyses may not indicate the composition of soil solutions accurately. 排水分析不能正确地反映土壤溶液的组成。
- China will also take part in Russia's project to send an unmanned probe to Mars' moon, Phobos, to collect soil samples, the paper said. 中国日报报道,中国还将参与俄罗斯的空间项目,发射一颗无人探测器到火卫一号,收集泥土样本。
- Salinity refers to the total concentration of salts present in the soil solution. 含盐量是指土壤溶液中所存在的盐类的总浓度。
- Better results are obtained with freshly collected soil than with soil collected and stockpiled for several months. 新鮮收集的土壤,其效果比已收集堆積數月之久的土壤的效果要好。
- Soil solute transport as affected by irrigation is, at present, an important research area in soil physics, environmental sciences, and geohydrology. 灌溉对土壤养分运移理论的研究是目前土壤物理学、境科学和农田灌溉学研究的一个重要方面。
- The mineral elements from the soil that are usable by the plant must be dissolved in the soil solution before they call be taken into the root. 土壤中可被植物利用的矿物质必须溶于土壤液中,然后才能被根部吸收。
- The mineral elements from the soil that are usable by the plant must be dissolved in the soil solution before they can be taken into the root. 土壤中可供植物利用的矿物成分,必须溶解在土壤中才能被根部吸收。
- This is also true for P and K in which supplementing the soil solution during peak demand periods is helping to avoid mid-season deficiencies. 对P和K也一样,在作物需求高峰期,增加土壤溶液的磷、钾浓度有助于避免在作物生长中期的养分缺乏。
- Let's collect the sap before its consolidation into a hard mass. 让我们在树液坚固成团之前将之收集起来。
- Basing on the albic soil in Mingguang area of Anhui province, this paper deals with the element composition and motivation property of soil solution. 以安徽省明光地区白浆化土壤为例,分析土壤溶液元素的组成与迁移特征。
- How long has Jim gone in for collecting stamps? 吉姆爱好集邮有多长时间?
- Soil solution samples were obtained by centrifuging fresh soil samples.Results show that the concentration of DOC in soil solution was signi... 土壤溶液与土壤固相间保持动态平衡,且能反映土壤的最新动态。
- We are collecting money for children in need. 我们在为贫困儿童募捐。
- We are collecting money for the famine victim. 我们在为遭受饥荒的灾民募捐。
- The newly developed. in which soil solution was pressured out from orlginal soil using the homemade squeezer, imposed good stability and reliability. 试验结果表明,采用自行研制的电动土壤水压榨取样仪进行土壤水压榨取样,样品的重复性良好。
- I find amusement in collecting stamps. 我发现了集邮的乐趣。
- Suddenly, collecting antiques is all the fashion. 收集古董突然盛行起来。
- To take the soil water potential of 3.0 bar as a critical value, the availability of nutrients in soil solution was higher at levels below 3.0 bar than over 3.0 bar. 以3.;0巴作为一个临界线;当土水势小于3