- collected books information 馆藏图书信息
- Book information input, inquiries, and change. 还书信息输入、查询、修改。
- Face collect books numerously, how accomplish Tibet and not random? 面对众多的藏书,如何做到藏而不乱呢?
- The purchasers have to ordain correet strategies and carry out the scientific means to purchare and collect books and scientifically classify the purchasing information under internet. 网络环境下的图书采访工作者应制定正确的采访策略,实施科学的采访信息搜集方法,对采访信息进行科学的分类。
- He accidently found a suit of rarity stamp,when he packed up his collect books. 整理他的藏书时,他意外的地发现一套珍贵邮票。
- When clearing up his collect books he found a rare stamp accidentally. 整理他的藏书时,他意外的地发现一套珍贵邮票。
- To his surprise ,when tidying his collect books ,he foud a set of rare stamps . 整理他的藏书时,他意外的地发现一套珍贵邮票。
- He avidly collected books, to the point where he had assembled one of the finest libraries in the world. 他狂热的收集书籍,就这方面而言,他拥有了当时世界上最完善的图书馆之一。
- He collected books by buying as well as copying.Many of the rubbings were from real site copy. 收藏书籍除购买外还通过相互借钞等途径,金石碑帖藏品也有很多实地拓取而来。
- Cause as a part of computer application, manage the books information with computers, has the incomparable virtues than the manual working. 因为作为计算机应用的一部分,使用计算机对图书信息进行管理,具有手工管理所无法比拟的优点。
- To print address book information for contacts in network directories, drag the contacts to your personal address book. 要打印网络目录中联系人的地址簿信息,请将联系人拖移到您个人的地址簿中。
- The following code example demonstrates how to render book information as a combination of title and price. 下面的代码示例演示如何将书籍信息呈现为书名和价格的组合。
- He discovers a set of costful stamp unexpectedly when clean up his collect books. 整理他的藏书时,他意外的地发现一套珍贵邮票。
- The three levels are the root node, labeled Book Information, the genre groups, and the ISBN details. 该三个级别分别是根结点(以“图书信息”为标签)、genre组和ISBN详细信息。
- As an advocator and practitioner of the public library, he bought and collected books and provided reading chances for each person. 作为一个公共图书馆的倡导者和实践者,他买书、藏书,并为每一个人提供阅读的机会。
- Higher education material is doomed to be the exofficio land of the books information kingdom by its commonality and characteristic. 高教资料的共性与特性注定了它是图书情报不可或缺的重要组成部分。
- The book collectors have their own book_collecting theories and the catalogues of collected books have their obvious characteristics. 常熟为中国私家藏书中心地之一,藏书家有藏书理论,藏书目录特色明显。
- Library is not only a place for collecting books but also is the source of the information. 图书馆不仅是藏书的地方,它更是信息的源泉。
- You can ask us for catalogues and book information by subject, author, publisher or level. 您可以向我们索取书目,按科目,作者,出版社或程度划分的书讯。
- When arranging his collect book,he discover a suit of precious stamp unexpectedly. 整理他的藏书时,他意外的地发现一套珍贵邮票。