- Quality precontrol of coiled material waterproof roof construction 卷材防水屋面施工质量预控
- According to the bulge, leakage and other problems encountered in coiled material waterproofing work based upon analysis corresponding preventive measures and treatment methods are proposed. 针对卷材防水整体被风刮起、鼓包、多次渗漏、局部被扎漏等问题进行了分析,提出了相应的预防措施和出现问题后的处理方法,通过实际应用,达到了预期的效果。
- Simple talking about the construction method of key position of SBS coiled material waterproof roof 浅谈SBS卷材防水屋面关键部位的做法
- Discussion on Design and Construction Technologies of Coiled Material Waterproof of Road and Bridge 道路及桥梁卷材防水设计与施工技术探讨
- PVC coiled material waterproofer PVC卷材防水
- coiled material waterproof 卷材防水
- coiled material waterproof roof 卷材防水屋面
- waterproof roofing with coiled material 卷材防水
- To fix strips of maetal on the coiled material and then to smear the sealed plaster. 卷材收头,原则上采用金属压条加钢钉在预留凹槽内固定并用专用密封膏密封。
- Make leather with homebred raw material waterproof agent, spray or macerate vamp make shoe of waterproof labor insurance after change. 用国产原料制成皮革防水剂,喷涂或浸渍鞋面革后制作防水劳保鞋。
- Smearing the basic surface disposing pharmaceutical one layer.When it becomes dry,to affix the coiled material on it. 涂刷一遍专用基层处理剂待干燥后方可粘贴卷材。
- Smearing the basic surface disposing pharmaceutical one layer. When it becomes dry, to affix the coiled material on it. 涂刷一遍专用基层处理剂待干燥后方可粘贴卷材。
- More and more leakproof practices demonstrate that leakproofly coiled material is an ideal method to prevent leakage in Salt Lake mining engineering. 越来越多的防渗实现证明,卷材防渗是盐湖开采工程理想的防渗方式。
- Experience Of Waterproof Coiled Material Construction Management 卷材防水施工管理的体会
- The coil material can be stacked, reducing feeding time and saving coil changing time. 卷料积材可重叠放置,减少填料次数,节省换料时间。
- Modified asphalt waterproof coiled materials 改性沥青防水卷材
- The construction technology of waterproof coiled material in roof construction 卷材防水屋面施工技术要点
- The water-proof ethoyl-propyl-buty rubber coiled materials have been used in building high-grade building such as Beijing Asian Games Stadiums. 三元乙丙丁基橡胶防水卷材,用于北京亚运会场馆等高档建筑;
- One of the key factors to ensure the leakproof effects of leakproofly coiled materials is to select optimum coiled materials in the light of project's specific property. 确保卷材防渗效果的关键之一是根据工程特性优选防渗卷材。
- The material is flawed throughout. 这种材料到处是裂缝。