- A coating of metal sheets or plates. 金属板的外覆金属片或金属板的外覆
- A very thin applied or deposited coat of metal. 薄板很薄的应用的或沉淀的一层金属。
- The application of a thin coat of metal (as by electrolysis). 用电在物体上覆盖一层金属。
- Any artifact that has been plated with a thin coat of metal by electrolysis. 一种被镀上一层薄的电解的金属人造物品。
- A medieval coat of mail consisting of metal rings sewn onto leather or cloth. 中世纪金属环缝在皮或布上构成的一种盔甲。
- This gave a film with "a cauliflower-like microtexture, with close similarities to that of the residual metal coating of the coin", says Giovannelli. 这就产生了一层薄膜,吉欧瓦内利说:“它具有象花椰菜一样的微观纹理,非常象这枚硬币上的残留金属涂层的纹理”。
- A fresh coat of paint can transform a room. 房间重新粉刷一遍可大为改观。
- The wall requires a new coat of paint. 这墙需要再涂一层新油漆。
- An outer coat of glaze on a piece of pottery. 外层釉陶器釉面上的第二层釉
- This is a coat of her own making. 这是她亲手做的外衣。
- The aeroplane wing showed signs of metal fatigue. 机翼显出有金属疲劳的现象。
- The coach bears the royal coat of arms. 这辆大马车上有王室的盾形纹章。
- That coat of yours could do with a clean. 你那件大衣需要洗一下了。
- The frame of the umbrella is made of metal. 伞的骨架是金属制的。
- A new coat of varnish was put on the floor. 地板上新涂了一层清漆。
- Electroless Deposition: The chemical coating of a conductive material onto a base material surface by reduction of metal ions in a chemical solution without using electrodes compared to electroplating. 无电镀层:用化学还原反应使溶液中的金属离子还原沉积在基材表面形成的导体层,相对于电镀而言它不需要用电。
- The arms of this coat of mine don't fit. 我这件大衣的袖子不合适。
- He shook a sheet of metal to simulate the noise of thunder. 他摇动一块金属薄片来模拟雷声。
- The arms of a city or noble family is its coat of arms. 城市或显赫家族的标志是盾形纹徽。
- To coat or cover with a thin layer of metal. 覆盖用一薄层金属涂层或覆盖