- close quarters overhead mining 近距离跨采
- The soldiers got fired into at close quarters. 士兵们遭到近距离的火力射击。
- The soldiers grappled with the enemy at close quarters. 士兵短兵相接地同敌人格斗。
- This apartment put six people at close quarters. 这公寓住六个人很挤。
- Scientists can stay in a sea laboratory for weeks and watch the sea creatures at close quarters. 科学家可在海洋实验室里呆上几个星期,很近地观察海洋生物。
- It was only when I saw the watch at close quarters that I realized how unusual it was. 当我凑近细看那表时,才发觉到它是何等奇特。
- He doesn't want any close quarters looking-after of her. 他不想在她身边照料她。
- In a big city even at close quarters, the rent is high. 在大城市,即使小房间房租也很贵。
- The case of inclined longwall and overhead mining at 31005 face in Zaozhuang Coal Mine and technical manage measures are introduced. 介绍了查庄煤矿在31005工作面使用倾斜长壁仰斜开采的情况及技术管理措施,对相似条件下此类采煤法的使用提供了可借鉴的经验。
- With eight students to each room they are living in very close quarters. 他们每八个学生一间房,真是拥挤不堪。
- His troops were far too shy of coming to close quarters with their enemy. 他的部队怯懦得很,根本不敢和敌人短兵相接。
- Abstract The design, blasting techniques and outcomes of maintaining a roadway with soft surrounding rock under overhead mining using destressing are introduced in this paper. 本文介绍了利用卸压法维护跨采软岩巷道的施工设计、爆破工艺技术及取得的成果。
- Not the punchiest, but for close quarter budget battling. 这一款虽然不是最厉害的,但价钱最公道。
- Not the punchiest,for close quarter budget battling. 这一款虽然不是最厉害的,但价钱最公道。
- She lived in a compound where eight families were housed in close quarters. 她居住在一所大院内,那里有8家的住房距离极近。
- The enemy was beaten back after some heavy fighting at close quarters. 在短兵相接的激烈战斗后, 敌人被击退了。
- He wishes to inspect at close quarters all the actors in this drama. 他希望近距离接触这部剧的所有演员。
- They live in close quarters. 他们的住房狭小。
- Numerical simulation was conducted using UDEC3.0 for the movement of overlaying strata and fracture development caused by the mining of upper protective layers of coal seams with close quarters. 本文利用UDEC3.;0软件对近距离上保护层开采导致的覆岩移动及裂隙发育过程进行数值模拟。
- A fight at close quarters. 搏斗近距离的打斗