- 使用Wrap属性指定或确定单元格内容是否在单元格内换行。 Use the Wrap property to specify or determine whether the content of the cell wrap in the cell.
- Click-wrap contract是电子格式合同中最具代表性的一种。 Click-wrap contract is a standard E-contract, which leads to its compound characteristic composed by both the characteristics of E-contract and those of traditional standard contract.
- 下面的代码示例演示如何使用Wrap属性使TextBox控件中输入的文本进行换行。 The following code example demonstrates how to use the Wrap property to wrap text entered in the TextBox control.
- in,from,out,以及of都是介词。 The words'in','from','out' and 'of are prepositions.
- 环球服装生产社会责任(WRAP)---是一套专为缝制产品及人工密集工业的生产准则。 Worldwide Responsible Apparel Production (WRAP) outlines principles for manufacturers to follow for sewn goods and labor-intensive consumer products.
- iN-OS iNOS
- 若要了解如何使用Wrap参数显示返回的信息,请比较以下两个示例中Get-Command命令的输出。 To see how the Wrap parameter is used to display returned information, compare the output of the Get-Command command in the following two examples.
- Cu-In Cu-In
- 使用Wrap属性指定多行TextBox控件中显示的文本在到达控件末尾时,是否自动在下一行继续显示。 Use the Wrap property to specify whether the text displayed in a multiline TextBox control automatically continues on the next line when the text reaches the end of the control.
- IN环 IN-rings
- IN陶瓷 aluminium nitride
- 最后归纳了如何运用Wrap、Pipeline、Replicate、Combine等设计模式构建基于混合模型的流媒体网络服务器。 The paper also induces how to use design rules such as Wrap, Pipeline, Combine and Replicate to design streaming media network server.
- In组分 indium content
- 主IN环 principal IN-rings
- In掺杂 In dopant
- In填充 In filling
- In分凝 In segregation
- In-掺杂 In-doping
- 介词in the preposition IN
- In(OH)3 In(OH)3