- Nonparasitic splenic cyst is a rare clinical disease. 摘要非寄生虫性脾脏囊肿是一罕见的疾病。
- Fungus nasosinusitis(FRS)is the common clinical disease,in recent years,the incidence is showing a rising trend. 真菌性鼻窦炎是临床常见疾病,近年来发病呈上升趋势。
- In cattle, clinical disease is manifested as parasite-induced abortions (Dubey, 2003). 注意该病与猪瘟、猪丹毒鉴别,以免误诊。
- The dentin sensitivity is a common clinical disease of stomatology and its pathogenesis is uncertain. 牙本质过敏症是口腔临床上的常见病症,其确切的发病机制尚不清楚。
- Objective: To study the meaning of Malassezia in clinical diseases. 摘要目的:探讨马拉色菌属在临床疾病中的意义。
- Objective:To study the meaning of Malassezia in clinical diseases. 目的:探讨马拉色菌属在临床疾病中的意义。
- "Atrial fibrillation" belong to palpitation which is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) concept, it is a common clinical disease. 心房颤动(房颤,atrial fibrillation)属于中医学心悸范畴,是临床常见的心律失常性疾病。
- Gastric antral vascular ectasia ( GAVE) is a rare clinical disease which can cause severe upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding. 胃窦血管扩张症是引起严重的上消化道出血的一种少见疾病。
- Acute biliary pancreatitis is one of commonly clinical disease, whose pathophysiology mechanism is very complicated and disputable. 急性胆源性胰腺炎(acute biliary pancreatitis,ABP)是当前临床上常见疾病之一,病理生理机制极为复杂,目前仍是学者争论和研究的热点。
- Accordingly, understanding prostate physiology and anatomize, very helpful to the make a diagnosis and give treatment of clinical disease. 因此,了解前列腺生理及解剖,对于临床疾病的诊治很有帮助。
- Zhao MH,Lockwood CM.ANCA defines clinical disease manifestations of vasculitis[J].Sarcoidosis Vasculitis Diffuse Lung Dis,1996,13:221. 姜筠赵明辉.;原发性小血管炎肺脏受累[J]
- Done S.H Paton D.J. Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome: clinical disease pathology and immunosuppression. Vet Rec. 136(2) 1995. 32-5. 李玉峰王先炜姜平.;上海地区出现猪繁殖与呼吸综合征和2型猪圆环病毒混合感染
- So modern clinical disease caused by deficiency Yang very commonly, also the hidrosis syndrome for lack of Yang is common. 所以现代临床上由于阳虚导致的疾病很多见,汗证亦不例外。
- While many mammalian species can be infected based upon eidence of seroconersion, clinical disease occurs primarily in dogs and cattle. 淋巴结肿大、出血,回盲口处扣状溃疡,肺水肿或呈橡皮样,偶见胃溃疡和结肠炎。
- Conclusions: In clinical disease, markers of inflammation and oxidatie stress are easily measurable in EBC using standard laboratory techniques and EBC is readily obtained. 结论:在临床疾患中,使用标准的实验室技术,炎症和氧化应激的标记物在EBC中容易测定,而且EBC容易得到。
- Conclusions: In clinical disease, markers of inflammation and oxidative stress are easily measurable in EBC using standard laboratory techniques and EBC is readily obtained. 结论:在临床疾患中,使用标准的实验室技术,炎症和氧化应激的标记物在EBC中容易测定,而且EBC容易得到。
- Chronic skin ulcer (CSU) is a common clinical disease which can be secondary to many diseases and be treated difficultly. 慢性皮肤溃疡是临床常见病,可继发或并发于多种疾病,治疗比较困难。
- CD7+ CD56 + AML might constitute a distinct biologic and clinical disease entity. Our data showed that CD7+CD56+ AML associated with less anemia, overexpression of PgP and CD34 and a high incidence of central nervous system involvement. CD7+CD56+AML具有独特的临床生物学特征,较少贫血,高表达PgP和CD34,常伴有中枢神经系统浸润。
- Conclusion:Chromosomal abnormalities is related to clinical disease, genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis play an important role in the clinical treatment and guidance for bear and rear ... 结论:染色体异常与临床疾病发生有关,遗传咨询与产前诊断在临床治疗及指导优生优育中意义重大。
- All kinds of stem cells play roles in the liver regeneration in their special ways,which provide a great prospect to treat some clinical diseases. 各种类型的干细胞以其独特方式在肝脏再生过程中发挥作用,为临床疾病的治疗提供了广阔前景。