- Through Count Kuki Shuzo, Jean-Paul Sarte was first introduced to the work of Heidegger. 现已决定,在今晚尸体解冻后,由省州县公检法部门法医联合进行复检。
- Using the Record Sound feature, press the Record button and play your music as you click through the whole slide show. 使用“录音”功能,按“录制”按钮,并在通过单击放映所有幻灯片的过程中播放音乐。
- Click through for the main features and specifications expected at launch.Video in a jiffy. 点击 通过为主要特点和技术指标,预计投放市场。
- Readers who click through are taken to a document that is comfortingly entitled “Belt and Braces”. 浏览者点击后会被记录到一个名为“万无一失”的文档中,试图给人以安慰。
- Variables are used to store and pass data that persists from page to page as you click through the prototype. 变量用于在原型中通过单击从页面跳转到页面时保存和传递持久数据,
- Many online marketing practitioners love to increase the click through rate of banners ads with trick banners. 摘要许多网络行销人员喜欢采用唬弄式广告来提升其横幅广告点选率。
- If it really bothers you to click through the GPL, nothing stops you from hacking the software to bypass this. 如果需要你点击按钮同意GPL真的让你感到麻烦,那没有什么可以阻止你去修改软件来跳过这个步骤。
- To view the show, click the Slide Show button on the lower left of the PowerPoint window, and then click through the custom show. 要查看放映,请单击PowerPoint窗口左下角的“幻灯片放映”按钮,然后在自定义放映中单击。
- Some software packaging systems have a place which requires you to click through or otherwise indicate assent to the terms of the GPL. 某些软件打包系统有一个地方要求你通过单击按钮或用别的方法表明你同意GPL的条款。
- You'll also earn a commission each time your customers recharge their cards for the next 6 months after they click through your site. 每当您的顾客通过您的网站加入Pingo后在6个月内对其卡进行充值时,您还会赚取代理费。
- Therefore, one of the key objectives of B2B searchers after they click through to your site is to evaluate both your company and its offerings. 所以,B2B的搜索者点击进入你的网站后主要目标之一是评价你的公司和所提供的一切。
- Clicking through takes you to the status screen for a given class. 在其中点击,会进入指定类的状态屏幕。
- Visitors can view winning number and jackpot with a click of their mouse instead of having to click through the website to find the information they desire. 网站的访问者只要轻点鼠标就可以看到每个游戏的中奖号码及头奖金额,而不必再去点击网站来查询他们想要的信息。
- Who knew it was dealing with real piracy until I clicked through onthe article? 要不点开看正文,谁知道说的是真海盗啊!
- It is rarely possible to describe accurately the contents of a tab with a succinct label. Therefore users must click through each tab to find the tool or piece of information they are looking for. 一个很简短的标签很难准确地描述其中的内容,因此使用者经常不得不单击每个标签才能找到要找的那条信息或者工具。
- Relevancy is weighed on frequency of these keywords, click throughs and a few other factors. 反而是小时平凡的网页设计人,长大更容易开窍!
- For solution of heat transfer equation in fuel rods, the implicit scheme of through counting in combination with method of running is used. 至于解决燃料棒的热传递方程式,则采用全程计算结合运行法的隐示(有限差分)法。
- They cleaved a path through the wilderness. 他们在荒原中开辟出一条路。
- I was paging through a magazine when he came in. 他进来时我在翻阅一本杂志。
- The archers sent their shafts through the air. 弓箭手向空中射出利箭。