- Hugh: But you covered that in class I think. 休:但这题目应是上课时讲过的。
- In my class I have both Chinese and American friends. 在我班上,我既有中国朋友,又有美国朋友。
- This morning after got out of the class I went to the coffee house. 上午我下了课去咖啡馆。
- Class I occlusion with coordinated dental midline was obtained. 治疗后两年追踪观察,齿列情况稳定,外观有良好的改善。
- This conversation transpires in almost every class I teach. 在我教的几乎每个班里都会出现这样的对话。
- Class I repeater may introduce up to 140 bit-times latency. 第一类别的中继器可导入高达140位元时间的延迟。
- This is the first small class i'm taking in Berkeley. 这是第一个小班课我在伯克利读。
- In a class I teach for adults, I recently did the “unpardonable. 最近在我执教的一个成人班级里, 我干了一件“不可饶恕的”事情。
- In a class I teach for adults, I recently did the unpardonable. 那一瞬,她觉得天地变容,人间有如此的爱人,她还有什麽可怕的呢!
- RLSD changes are also used for signaling in Class I faxing [6]. RLSD变化是也使用为发信号在里面类我传真[6].
- After gym class I was tired and wanted very much to sit down and rest. 上完体育课后,我感到疲倦,很想坐下来休息一下。
- This legendary path boasts class I to V rapids that rival the west's Colorado. 这传奇的I-V级的河段使得它可以和西部的科罗拉多媲美。
- I was particularly concerned about the playwriting class I had with Cho. 尤其令我担心的是与赵同在一个写作的学生们。
- Trainees at another class I visited were studying the Afghan constitution. 实习生在我参观学习阿富汗宪法的其它类。
- Specializes in the repair and overhaul of class I, II, III accessory items for narrow body and wide body jet transport category aircraft. FAA-approved Repair Station. 为窄体和宽体喷气运输机提供得到FAA认证的各级别修理和检修。
- The appliance is in class I therefore it must have the wire earth connected. 我是在课堂上的器具,因此它必须有丝地球之间的联系。
- I was out and away the handsomest man in the class. 我是当时全班最帅的男子汉。
- Soon I dropped behind the rest of the class. 不久我就落在班上其他同志后面了。
- Section 169A declares as a national goal the prevention of impairment of visibility in mandatory class I federal areas (primarily national parks). 第169条(A),把认定的一类联邦区域(主要是国家公园)防止损害能见度宣布为国家目标。
- No, I must not be late for class. 不,我决不能上课迟到。