- They protest against the continue denial of civil liberty. 他们抗议对公民自由权力的持续否认。
- Under a military regime,civil liberty may be severely curtailed. 在军事政权统治下,公民的自由可能会被严重剥夺。
- Under a military regime, civil liberty may be severely curtailed. 在军事政权统治下,公民的自由可能会被严重剥夺。
- Civil liberty is guaranteed, and violations of legal rules are punished. 公民的自由受到保障,违反法律法规要受到处罚。
- Civil Liberty : We believe also in protest against the curtailment of our civil rights. 公民自由:我们还支持反对剥夺我们民权的斗争。
- Civil Liberty: We believe also in protest against the curtailment of our civil rights. 公民自由:我们还支持反对剥夺我们民权的斗争。
- Exemption from the arbitrary exercise of authority in the performance of a specific action; civil liberty: freedom of assembly. 免除当权在特定行为的霸道行径,市民自由,集会自由。
- The land of "liberte, egalite, fraternite" is hoping to boast another civil liberty starting next week: the right to urinate for free. 清洁公厕进行免费开放。此后,流浪汉们入厕难的问题就可以解决了。
- Friends of civil liberties held the fort during a long debate. 支持民众权利的国会议员在长时间的辩论中毫不让步。
- I feel lucky to live in an era where my relationship can be considered legally legitimate and I commend the UK Government for embracing this very basic Civil Liberty. 住在一个我们这样的关系能被视作合法的地方,我深感荣幸。我也要对英国政府能够包容这个最基本的公民自由表示感谢。
- The Bill of Rights,palladium of American civil liberties. 人权法案,美国公民自由的卫士
- The Bill of Rights, palladium of American civil liberties. 人权法案,美国公民自由的卫士
- Don't make me call the Puppet Civil Liberties Union! 别逼我去找木偶公民自由联盟!
- Its “civil liberties” are still assessed at a dismal 6. 其“公民自由”依然被评为令人沮丧的6级。
- Above all, he fought against circumscription of civil liberties. 最值一提的是,他与侵犯公民自由的行为进行了不懈抗争。
- He defined freedom as one that person is capable of acting at his will without any hindrance, to be free as a member of a civil society, Hobbes claimed that the extent of your civil liberty basically depends upon " the silence of the law". 他认为自由是指在自己行动能力的范围内看不到任何阻碍。 在社会状态下,对公民的自由而言,自由则意味着依赖于"法律的沉默"。
- Many heroic men and women have died in defense of liberty. 许多英勇的男男女女为捍卫自由而牺牲。
- They said that compulsory identity cards would infringe civil liberties. 他们说强制办理身分证会侵犯公民的自由。
- The banning of public meetings was held to be a denial of civil liberties. 禁止公众集会被认为是对公民自由的否认。
- He said he flouted the ban to protest against the erosion of civil liberties. 他说,他是故意要渺视禁菸令,抗议公民自由遭到侵犯。