- He gave away his books to a circulating library. 他把自己的书籍损赠给一家循环图书馆。
- pressure circulation lubricating system 压力循环润滑系统
- full pressure circulating lubrication system 全压循环润滑系统
- full-pressure circulating lubrication system 全压循环润滑系统
- Rumours are circulating in Whitehall. 怀特霍尔街上流传著谣言。
- The washing of circulating lubrication system in paper machines 纸机循环润滑系统的冲洗
- Serious lack of circulating fund forced the closure of the company. 公司因严重缺乏流动资金而被迫关闭。
- Greatwall High Quality Lubricating Oil Co., Ltd. 长城高级润滑油品有限公司。
- Jinan Sanxin Railway Lubricating Material Co., Ltd. 济南三新铁路润滑材料有限公司。
- Wuhan Yanshan Lubricating Oil Co., Ltd. 武汉燕山润滑油股份公司。
- The circulating mud can give off heat. 循环着的泥浆能散出热量。
- Material strength and if it needs lubricating? 材料强度和是否需要润滑?
- He was accused of circulating forged banknotes. 他被人指控使用伪钞。
- Tthe oil quantity of gear box's lubricating oil. 卷扬机齿轮箱润滑油油量是否符合规定。
- Shandong Zibo Jinte Lubricating Oil Co., Ltd. 山东淄博进特润滑油有限公司。
- Tianjin Ao Hua Lubricating Oil Co., Ltd. 天津市澳华润滑油有限公司。
- Lubricating or waxing the yarn to reduce friction. 通过给纱线润滑或上蜡来降低摩擦。
- The suggestion of making a circulating library was well received by all. 大家都同意办个流动图书馆的建议。
- The machine adopts centralized lubricating system. 机器采用集中润滑系统。
- There are no mud returns while circulating. 循环时没有泥浆返出。