- chow something down vt. 吃东西;可能非常迅速或没有吃相
- A tool for ramming or driving something down. 用来撞击的工具将某物冲下或赶下去的工具
- Robert: I scribbled something down the other day. 我前几天随便写了点东西。
- It was Phillips. Sonny jotted something down on his pad and then hung up. 桑儿一面听,一面在便笺簿上记了些什么,然后就挂断了电话。
- I started to write something down several times, but each time I stopped, stared at the sentence for a couple of minutes, and then either crossed it out or else crumpled up the paper. 有几次我开始写下一些什么,但每次又停下来,盯着这个句子看两三分钟,然后不是划掉就是把纸团扔掉。
- In the dream, he reached for the blue ballpoint pen in his breast pocket to jot something down on his memo pad. 在梦中,他伸手去拿胸前口袋里的圆珠笔,想在记事簿上记点东西。
- After being ill I didn't feel like eating but I managed to force something down. 我病后不想吃东西,不过还是勉强咽了一点。
- Have something down pat I did well on the test. I had all the material down pat. 我那会考试考的挺好。我对全部材料都了如指掌。
- Suddenly the dog stopped barking.But the dog didn't let his eyes leave the hallway;there was obviously something down there that he didn't like at all. 突然狗叫声停了,但它还是死盯着那里,很显然,那里有它不喜欢的东西。
- So now, everytime I come here, I would love writing something down to share with the member of TTF and also download my favourite MTV, haha!! 已前的我对这个讨论区并没有多大的兴趣去细心阅读,现在我却每天最少也会到访一次,寻找一些有兴趣的文章并回覆来换取积分。
- Just please give me some time to let me let u go.Everything will be OK.May u will not read this blog cause I just want write something down instead of burdening on u. 爸妈请允许女儿的不孝,爸妈请原谅女儿没有勇气当面对你们说一声对不起,前些天妈妈说等我上班了,生活安定下来了,她也就不上班了,妈妈还开玩笑地说:“现在要对我好点,以后就可以享我的福了。”
- Wanna get something to chow down on? 想不想弄点东西来吃啊?
- Finally, I decided to enter the EF to improve my spoken-English, like now, I finally decide to write something down here, even though I have a lot of homework to be done. 最初是不想去上EF的,因为觉得自己不会喜欢那样的氛围。但最终因为考虑到可能自己会去考小语种,一定要提高自己口语和听力的水平,所以还是去了。
- Wanna get something to chow down? 想不想弄点东西来吃啊?
- I'll try and rustle you up something to eat. 我设法给你弄点吃的。
- I asked Xiao Zhou to get in touch with them. 我让小周去和他们取得联系。
- Premier Zhou is a distinguished politician. 周总理是一位卓越的政治家。
- I started to write something down several times,but each time I stopped,stared at the sentence for a couple of minutes,and then either crossed it out or else crumpled up the paper. 有几次我开始写下一些什么,但每次又停下来,盯着这个句子看两三分钟,然后不是划掉就是把纸团扔掉。
- Plus, eating breakfast while reading my book and drinking my coffee in the quiet of the morning is eminently more enjoyable than scarfing something down on the way to work, or at your desk. 另外,在安静的早晨里,一边吃早餐,一边阅读,再一边喝咖啡,真的是非同寻常享受,这可比在工作的路上或者办公桌旁饿肚子舒服多了。
- Instantly, Chow is something of a national hero. 顷刻之间,周几乎成了国家英雄。