- I think this problem is very simple and clear cut. 我认为这个问题非常简单明白。
- A really clear cut case: judgement in a matter of months. 一个明白无误的案子,几个月内即可获得判决。
- That may sound like a clear cut piece of biological determinism. 这听起似乎完全符合生物决定论的观点。
- "The Brazilian position is clear cut," Mr Lula said. "巴西的立场是鲜明的;"鲁拉说.
- Without a doubt, the groups in the Data area have their work clearly cut out for them. 毫无疑问,数据领域内的工作组从事的是为他们明确划分清楚的工作。
- His brown face was bland and his mouth, red lipped, clear cut as a woman's, frankly sensual, smiled carelessly as he lifted her into the carriage. 他那褐色的脸膛是温和的,而那张嘴,那张唇红齿白、像女人的嘴一样轮廓鲜明富于肉感的嘴,当他搀扶她上马车时,更浮出随随便便的微笑,动人极了。
- A project's objectives are usually very clear cut and often divisible into discrete component parts. 项目的目标通常十分明确,并且可以分解成若干个子项目。
- The coating has flaked along the edges and/or at hte intersections of the cuts.A cross cut area significantly greater than 5%,but not significantly greater than 15% is affected. 涂层在线的边缘和或线交叉点有破损,破损面积明显大于正方形总面积的5%25,但小于正方形总面积的15%25。
- The incentives facing these groups, as discussed below, were less clear cut than those facing African Americans. 如下面将讨论的,这些团体的动机远没有非裔美国人的动机要明确。
- It came in first in a Harris Poll of nearly 2,513 adults but the second choice in the survey was not as clear cut. 本次哈里斯调查共有近2513名成年人参加,调查显示《圣经》排名第一,然而哪本书排在第二位则不是那么明朗。
- Nearly 600 students took part in this experiment and the results were clear cut. 近六百名学生参加了这个实验,结果是清楚的。
- Only the lonely, you can continue to clear cut their own feelings entangled, but also their own澄静a bright sky. 只有孤独的时候,你才能理清自己剪不断理还乱的心情,还自己一片澄静明亮的天空。
- She cut down the sapling with one chop. 她一斧子就把树苗砍倒了。
- This is often the result of a lack of proper water being applied to the cutting area. 这往往是由于缺乏适当的水被应用到伐区。
- Borderline Borderline: there is no clear cut consensus between the radiologists to place the hip into a given category of normal or dysplastic. 模稜两可:专家之间未能达成明确共识而无法将这类髋关节分入正常或发育不良的任一个分级之中。
- One should make sure the water supply is adequate and is reaching the core near the collars and sheeting out to the cutting area. 要督促供水充足,核心是达成了近。
- If Emma had been with him. they would hae chatted but he would not have had this sense of being a distinct person, clear cut and adventurous against the big blue sky. 如果艾玛靠在我身边,也许我们会愉快地交谈,可那就感受不到在广阔碧空下那个独特、鲜明的自我,还有些冒险。
- Mr Johnson worked off his anger by chopping wood. 约翰逊先生用劈柴的方法来发泄他的怒气。
- If the optimum density of forest road network is to be obtained in a piece of cutting area,the ways of yarding need optimum choosing. 林道网合理密度是相对于集材方式而言的,在一片伐区上要得到最佳的林道网密度,需要进行集材方式的优选。
- My brother is chopping logs for the fire. 我哥哥正在为生火劈柴。