- chih shih 志室
- Wang, Wen-Yeu, Lun Tung Shih Yu Kung Ssu Chiao Yi Chih Kuei fan [Regulation on Self-dealing Transactions], 62 ChengChi L. Rev. 415 (1999). (王文宇,论董事与公司间交易之规范,政大法学评论第62期第415页以下,1999年。)
- Lu Chih was a native of Suchou, Kiangsu. 陆治(西元一四九六-一五七六年),明吴县(今江苏苏州)人。
- Hu Shih and the Chinese Renaissance: Liberalism. 摘要:胡适与中国的文艺复兴。
- Professor, Department of English, Shih Hs... 世新大学英语系教授。
- Sproat, R.,Shih C.L.,et al.1996. 刘开瑛,1997,现代汉语自动分词评测技术研究。
- Ssu shih li p"u. Characteristic ruins. March 7. 3月7日,四十里铺,废墟。
- Shih shore design of your beauty! 西施岸设计出属于你的美!
- Else disabled Shih will too late to regret. 否则不能用时会后悔不及。
- The Poodle and the Shih Tzu completed the top 10. 同时跻身前十名的还有狮子狗和西施犬.
- The works of Hu Shih are currently enmeshed in copyright lawsuits. 胡适博士的著作正大打著作权官司。
- Ajaniopsis Shih, genus novum familiae Compositarum sinensium. 画笔菊属,中国菊科的一个新属.
- Chang, T.C ., Chen, C.M., Lu, S.F., Yang, M.J., &Shih, C.H. (2003). 张自强、陈俊铭、施春华、杨明仁(民91):支持性职业复健模式在精神障碍者之应用。
- Conant Hu Shih's Conception of Scientific Method James B. 胡适的科学方法观 康纳脱James B.
- Shih: A deified ancestor. Used to refer to the Wu Lung's Avatar. 始:一个被神化了的先祖。也指巫龙的化身。
- Of old, the rise of the Yin dynasty was due to I Chih who had served under the Hsia. 昔殷之兴也,伊挚在夏;
- By then the barren plain resembled the world before the birth of Sui-jen Shih. 此时此刻的荒野宛如燧人氏未生以前的世界。
- Lu Chih (style name Shu-p’ing, sobriquet Pao-shan-tzu) was a native of Wu-hsien, Kiangsu. 陆治(西元一四九六至一五七六年),江苏吴县人。
- Indigo porcelain calligraphy on a doorway beam.Note the fancy Chiao Chih ceramics. 2. 图1:门楣上装饰靛青色瓷烧文字,水车堵上可见精美的交阯烧。
- So why does Shih Ming-deh again want to foray into political action? 那为何施明德突然要再次付诸政治行动呢?