- Xiongfubu Xue Points of Chest and Abdomen, Ex-CA. 胸腹部穴。
- In this case, lymphoma involving the lymphatics of the chest and abdomen led to the collection of chylous fluid. 该淋巴瘤病人病变累及胸部和腹部淋巴管引起乳糜液聚集。
- The diaphragm is between the chest and the abdomen. 横隔膜位于胸腔与腹部之间。
- Director: Mrs could you unbutton your coat please? let's examine your chest and abdomen. 主任:太太,请解开您的上衣好吗?让我们检查一下胸腹部。
- Chinese culture stresses implicit created undergarment covering the chest and abdomen stop by the expression. 中国文化讲究含蓄,造就了兜兜转转的表达方式。
- The aorta comes out from the left ventricle (VEN-trih-kul) of the heart and travels through the chest and abdomen. 主动脉从心脏的左心室开始,一直延伸到整个胸腔和腹腔。
- To open the chest and abdomen, a wonderful position is a gentle and supported backbend. 打开胸、腹最好的姿势是轻柔的有支撑的后曲。
- It embellishes black spot as roses between gray and yellow, the chest and abdomen is white, the black spot of head is small and concentrated. 烟灰色和黄色中点缀着玫瑰花般的黑色斑点,胸腹白色,头部黑斑小而密。
- He zipped open the front of his shirt and saw that his chest and abdomen were criss-crossed with tiny, almost unnoticeable, perfectly healed scars. 他又解开衬衣,发现胸口和腹部也出现了以前从未有过的已愈合的十字伤痕。
- A patented respiratory inductive plethysmography technology was used to measure respiratory function, two sensors were woven into the jerkin around the patient s chest and abdomen. 两条弯曲成“正弦”状导线嵌在弹性背心的胸、腹部作为呼吸运动传感器,用自主产权的呼吸感应体积描记技术提取呼吸运动;
- A 48-year-old female patient of acquired immu nodeficiency syndrome(AIDS)in advancing stage was reported, presenting numerou s molluscum contagiosum involving skin of face,arms,chest and abdomen,which was proved by histopathological investigation. 报道 1例 48岁女性晚期获得性免疫缺陷综合征 (艾滋病 )患者 ,面部、躯干和上肢伴发数目极多的传染性软疣 ,并经组织病理学证实。
- Methods The axial flap and the random tube flap (joining the chest and abdomen) were used to treat 8 cases of lymphedema on scrotum and legs resulting in serious pathological changes of skin. 方法对8例阴囊及下肢淋巴水肿所致严重皮肤病变应用轴型皮瓣和任意型皮瓣(胸腹联合皮管)治疗。
- Tonifies kidneys, and improve yangxu (yang deficient), strengthen muscles; for impotence, lower back and knee pain, cold chest and abdomen, urinary incontinence due to kidney deficient. 温肾阳,壮筋骨。阳萎精冷,遗尿崩漏,心腹冷痛,腰脚冷痹,痈疽火毒。
- fluoroscopy of chest and abdomen 胸腹联合透视
- stagnation of qi in the chest and abdomen 心腹结气
- undergarment covering the chest and abdomen 兜兜
- stagnation of vital energy in the chest and abdomen 心腹结气
- We report a patient who was transferred from a municipal hospital with the emergency complex of blunt head trauma and chest and abdominal contusion. 我们提出一个从区域医院转诊的病人合并有头部,胸和腹部受伤的病历报告。
- chest and abdomen swelling and pain 胸腹胀痛
- This is an in-situ photograph of the chest and abdominal contents.As can be seen, the liver is the largest parenchymal organ, lying just below the diaphragm. 胸腔和腹腔的内脏图可见肝脏是最大的实质器官,位于膈下。