- characteristic running of QMC 特色办学
- There has been a run of rainy days since Monday. 星期一以来天天阴雨绵绵。
- She's different from the common run of students. 她跟一般学生不同。
- George is taking over the running of our American operation. 乔治准备接手经营我们的美国企业。
- College students have the run of the university library. 大学生可以自由地使用大学的图书馆。
- We've enjoyed an exceptional run of fine weather recently. 我们这里最近天气好极了。
- He deputed the running of the department to an assistant. 他把部门的管理工作委托给助手了。
- The play had a good run/a run of six months. 那出戏演了很久[演了半年]。
- There has been a run of rainy day since Monday. 星期一以来天天阴雨绵绵。
- We should not lose the run of national events. 我们应该注意国家大事。
- He's given our children the run of his garden. 他已允许我们的孩子在他的花园里自由玩耍。
- His recent run of bad luck has cooled him off. 他最近一连串的倒霉事件使他兴趣降低了。
- He gave them the run of his garden. 他准许他们随便参观他的花园。
- I have had a pretty good run of luck here. 我在这儿运气不坏。
- The running of the operating system is normal. 操作系统的工作正常
- A daily run of paper is crucial. 报纸的每日发行量至关重要。
- Considering the complexity of QMC ,this thesis expatiates the operation principle of QMC and the design and realization of QMC. 鉴于QMC原理的复杂性,文中特别深入阐述了QMC的原理及其软硬件的设计实现。
- She lost the run of the time she was there. 她弄不清她究竟在那里呆了多久。
- Her dogs have the run of the house. 她的狗可以在家里自由出入。
- The first print run of 6000 copies sold out. 首印 6000 册已全部售空。