- chain precedence constraints 链优先约束
- The Precedence Constraint Editor opens. “优先约束编辑器”将打开。
- You also can issue multiple precedence constraints on a task. 您还可以对一个任务发出多个优先约束。
- You can now add annotations to precedence constraints. 现在,您可以向优先约束添加批注。
- The connector between two items represents a precedence constraint. 两个项之间的连接器表示优先约束。
- In the Accessibility group, select Show precedence constraint labels. 在“辅助功能”组中,选中“显示优先约束标签”。
- The control flow elements define the logical ordering of job progression by applying precedence constraints. 控制流元素通过应用优先约束来定义作业进行的逻辑顺序。
- Connect tasks and containers in the For Loop container using precedence constraints. 使用优先约束连接For循环容器中的任务和容器。
- Event handlers also use precedence constraints to link their executables into a control flow. 事件处理程序也使用优先约束将其可执行文件链接为控制流。
- The following table shows the types of precedence constraints you can use in DTS. 下表显示了可以在DTS中使用的优先约束的类型。
- You can then apply precedence constraints to control the execution order of the tasks. 然后可以应用优先约束来控制任务的执行顺序。
- chain - like precedence constraints 链约束
- The precedence constraint can use the following execution results alone or in combination with an expression. 优先约束可以单独使用下列执行结果或将这些结果与表达式结合使用。
- If the Sequence container includes more than one task or container, you can connect them using precedence constraints just as you do in a package. 如果序列容器包含多个任务或容器,可以使用优先约束连接它们,如同在包中的操作一样。
- The expression evaluator also compares data values when it evaluates the expressions that variables, precedence constraints, and transformations use. 表达式计算器在计算变量、优先约束和转换使用的表达式时,也对数据值进行比较。
- The Sequence container includes three Script tasks, and its precedence constraints link the three Script tasks into a control flow. 序列容器包含三个脚本任务,且容器的优先约束将此三个脚本任务链接为控制流。
- If the For Loop container includes more than one task or container, you can connect them using precedence constraints just as you do in a package. 如果For循环容器包含多个任务或容器,可以使用优先约束连接它们,就像在包中操作一样。
- If the package contains more than one task, they are connected and sequenced in the control flow by precedence constraints. 如果包中包含多个任务,则它们将按照优先约束在控制流中进行连接和排序。
- After a package contains multiple tasks or containers, you can link them into a sequenced workflow using precedence constraints. 当包中包含了多个任务或容器之后,即可用优先约束将它们链接成有序工作流。
- The task host container is an exception: because the task host container encapsulates a single task, it does not use precedence constraints. 任务宿主容器是个例外:因为任务宿主容器封装单个任务,所以它不使用优先约束。