- To make a certified copy of(a document). 制定核正誊本制定盖有公章证明的誊本
- An officially certified copy of a document. 经公正后的文件盖有公章的文件誊本
- certified copy document 单据的正式副本
- Certified Copy of Certificate of Title. 就可以取代之前收到的那份产权证书。
- Hey mate, did you ask this Lyall Crawford to witness you signature on Form A, but the certified copy of medicall digree document was obtained in notary public? 就是说需要你的学位公证件啦。你是不是只提供了复印件?学位证到公证处公证就行了。
- We need a certified copy in order to clarify this situation. 我们需要一份经核准的副本来阐明这个局势。
- A certified copy of Memorandum and Arti cles of Association to be up to date. 最近期的组织章程大纲及章程细则的核证副本。
- With Word Viewer 2003, you can view, print, and copy document contents to another program. 借助Word Viewer 2003,您可以查看和打印文档内容,还可以将其复制到另一个程序。
- If a certified copy of a birth entry is required after making a birth record search, form BDR 87 needs to be completed. 翻查出生登记纪录后,如须领取出生登记记项核证副本,须填写表格BDR87。
- If a certified copy of a death entry is required after making a death record search, form BDR 62 needs to be completed. 翻查死亡登记纪录后,如须领取死亡登记记项核证副本,须填写表格BDR62。
- Certification format: Certifier's signature should be placed on the first page of the copy document and the number of pages should be recorded. 证明格式:证明人应在文件复印件首页签字,并注明页数。
- Please fill in the TOEFL score obtained and submit certified copy of the score report. 请填写考获的托福测验分数并提交已盖章核实的成绩单副本。
- They need to photocopy your original Chinese passport. But certified copy is not required. 请问前辈们,入籍需要中国护照的公证文件吗?
- Request for a certified copy of document 申请索取证件核证副本
- If the certified copy is required to be sent by airmail, an additional amount equal to the airmail postage at the normal rate will be charged. 该核证副本如需以空邮寄出,则须额外缴付相等于正常空邮邮资的费用。
- You can obtain either a certified copy or just a plain duplicate Business Registration Certificate of a company from the Business Registration Office. 你可向商业登记署申请索取一间公司的商业登记证核证副本或商业登记证复本。
- You can select your most convenient birth, death or marriage registry to collect the search result or the certified copy of certificate. 你可以自行选择最就近的出生、死亡或婚姻登记处领取有关的翻查结果或该等证明书的核证副本。
- For example, Proved on copy document signature, Copy of a seal for verification, Proved Document Transcription, Abridgement, Translated Edition, Photo Graphic Edition & Originally Tally and so on. 如证明文书上的签名、印鉴属实,证明文件的副本、节本、译本、影印本与原本相符等。
- One set of non-negotiable copy documents to be sent to the opener immediately after shipment. 不接受货代的运输单据(是不是说只有正式的提单才接受?)