- Horizontal / ertical in line features like hole, slot, prick punch, etc.,Symmetrical features dimensioning can be referred as typical dimension. 简单来说就是一个尺寸多个特征引用一般都是简单重复特征比如孔,槽等等...
- Prick a few holes in the centre of the pastry. 在油酥面馅饼中间戳几个洞。
- I prick the map with a pin to show our route. 我用大头针在地图上扎孔标出我们的路线。
- That new shopping centre is a real eyesore. 那个新的购物中心真是难看极了。
- The punch in the stomach completely winded me. 我肚子上挨了一拳一时完全喘不过气来。
- It was vodka, and it packed quite a punch. 这是伏特加酒,它有强烈的刺激作用。
- Be careful the thorns will prick you. 小心--刺会扎伤你的。
- A preacher stood declaiming in the town centre. 传教士站在市镇中心慷慨陈词。
- He laid the attacker low with a punch to the jaw. 他一拳击中攻击他的人的下颚,把他打倒在地。
- The punch was aimed at his opponent's head. 那一拳是冲著对手的头打去的。
- He burst the balloon with a prick of the pin. 他用针一戳,气球就爆了。
- Cars are not allowed to go through the city centre. 禁止汽车从市中心穿行。
- The strikers paraded through the city centre. 罢工者游行通过市中心。
- The police has cordoned off the town centre. 警察用警戒线围住市中心。
- He decked him with his first punch. 他第一拳就把他打倒在地。
- Many legends centre about this historical figure. 许多传说以这个历史人物为中心。
- Spectators cheered at his KO punch. 观众为他击倒对手的一击而喝采。
- We made gallons of rum punch for the party. 我们为聚会准备了许多兰姆潘趣酒。
- The town centre certainly needs a face-lift. 市中心可真该装修一下了。
- Don't prick that boil; allow it to swell up and burst. 不要挑破那个疖子; 让它肿起来自己破裂好了。