- Cella is the headspring of wisdom and philosophy. 古希腊是智慧和哲学的源泉。
- The stairs to cella is quite slippery. 通往地窖的楼梯相当滑.
- The stair to the cella is very slippery. 通往内殿的楼梯相当滑。
- There is some experience about my study English in CELLA. 基本上在生活上也不会不方便,忘记带来的东西几乎都可以在这里买到。
- And I also feel lucky I can meet so many good teachers in CELLA. 而且很好吃。
- Tabo cella is one of the earliest chapels in this period, which was founded in 996. 该殿的主要塑像题材是大日如来、观音菩萨和金刚手三部组合。
- The food agency spokes women Mya Cella says the agency will provide 4 million from 2 million last October . 粮食部女发言人玛雅可沙拉说这个部门将在十月分提供200万人粮食的基础上提高到4百万人的量。
- But it is the first time I realize my intention of speaking English in CELLA in CEBU! 感觉宿雾岛的人似乎都很亲切大方。
- But Cella warned the agency does not have enough food and has been forced to lower the rations of Cereal ,beans and peas . 但是莎拉也警告说部门没有对所有那些人的需要的足够口粮。而且也开始被迫减少谷物豆类的定额。
- The usual explanation for the discrepancy between its height and the 30-cubit height of the temple is that its floor was elevated, like the cella of other ancient temples. 通常对它的高度的误差是解释为,庙宇的高为30腕尺,它的地板是高出来的,像其它古代庙宇的内殿一样。
- In fact, before when I was in china, I nearly couldn’t speak English, but now when I graduated form CELLA I can easy chat with other people in English. 也会为不习惯这里的餐饮的人,特别烹煮其他料理。
- Nearly all surviving Gupta temples are comparatively small; they consist of a small cella (central chamber), constructed of thick and solid masonry, with a veranda either at the entrance or on all sides of the building. 几乎所有现存的笈多时期庙宇都是相对较小;它们是由一个小内堂(中央腔)组成,是由厚而坚固的石墙建成,在入口处,或者是在建筑物的周围建有走廊。
- Keywords Aspergillus niger;cellobiase;fermentation condition; 黑曲霉;纤维二糖酶;发酵条件;
- Keywords cellobiase;solidstate fermentation;cellulase; 纤维二糖酶;固态发酵;纤维素酶;
- cella media ventriculi lateralis 侧脑室中央部
- Keywords corncob;hydrolysis;cellulase;cellobiase;ethanol fermentation; 玉米芯;水解;纤维素酶;纤维二糖酶;乙醇发酵;
- Influence of alcohol on the ultrastructure of the liver cella in rat embryo 酒精对大鼠胚胎肝脏超微结构的影响
- Keywords cellulase;cellobiase;corncob cellulose;enzymatic hydrolysis;cellooligosaccharide; 纤维素酶;纤维二糖酶;玉米棒芯;酶法水解;纤维寡糖;
- Keywords immobilized cellobiase;cellulase;cellulosic material;corncob residue;synergetic hydrolysis; 固定化纤维二糖酶;纤维素酶;纤维原料;木糖渣;协同水解;
- Keywords cellobiase;Lactobacillus delbrium;coimmobilized cells;cellulose;enzymatic hydrolysis;lactic acid; 纤维二糖酶;乳酸杆菌;共固定化细胞;纤维素;酶水解;乳酸;