- cause指事物发生的原因 A cause is what makes something happen
- bodyimage disturbance 体象障碍
- [+situation,cause] 把某事归因于某事 to attribute sth to sth
- [俗]裁缝(来自Nine tailors make a man) ninth part of a man
- cause 和make可与(to +)不定式连用,但不可用于被动语态 Cause and make can be used with( to +)an infinitive,but not in the passive
- 用这个文件构建程序时,按通常方式运行make To build a program with this file, launch make on it as usual
- 本文采用自抗扰控制策略 (Auto Disturbance Rejection Control, ADRC),为这一问题的解决提供了新的思路。 In this thesis, auto disturbance rejection control (ADRC) is proposed to solve the difficulties in this field.
- cause、bring about、make均表示某结果、某情况或某事情是怎样造成或发生的. The verbs cause,bring about and make indicate how a certain result, situation or event happens
- 我们的关系加上他们的资本组成(比make更常见)一个强有力的营销组织 Our contacts plus their capital makes (more common than make ) for a formidable marketing organization
- 一些旧版本的make没有正确将functions目录下编译后的文件放到同一个目录下。 Some old versions of make that don't correctly put the compiled versions of the files in the functions directory into that same directory.
- 自抗扰控制器 (Auto Disturbance RejectionController,ADRC)在较广泛的一大类不确定系统和系统中存在强干扰的情况下表现出很强的适应性和鲁棒性。 A Auto-Disturbance-Rejection Controller (ADRC) can be used for controlling a broad range of uncertain systems in the presence of strong disturbances, while still exhibits excellent adaptability and robustness.
- 许愿基金会(Make a Wish Foundation)给罹患末期疾病的孩童们一个美梦成真的机会 The Make a Wish Foundation gives terminally ill children a chance to have their dream come true
- 具有纯滞后的一阶惯性环节是研究滞后问题的典型对象。 采用修改后的二阶自抗扰控制器ADRC(Auto Disturbance RejectionController) ,研究了大纯滞后纯积分对象的控制。 Inertial first-order systems are typically object of as time-delay systems, it is obvious that integral plants with large time-delay are even more difficult to control, which is the problem this article deals with using a modified two-order ADRC(Auto-Disturbance-Rejection Controller).
- 他知道他已经发现了一件真正的珍品。(make a real discovery 发现了一件真正的珍品) He knows that he had made a real discovery.
- 由于这条信息通常是在make的最后输出的,所以看起来它可能像是一个致命错误,但实际上不是。 Because this is often the last output seen during make, it may seem like a fatal error but it's not.
- 针对MTO(make-to-order)供应链环境下制造商与供应商的多个订单的价格/交货期协商问题,基于供应链伙伴间关系是竞争性合作的特点,提出一种新的两阶段协商议程. In order to solve the problem of supporting negotiation on prices and due dates of multiple orders between a manufacturer and its supplier in a make-to-order supply chain,a new negotiation agenda with two phases is proposed based on the characteristics that the relationship between the partners in the supply chain is both cooperative and competitive.