- Liquidation cash flow rights and redemption rights work together to protect the VC's investment if the company is sold or performs poorly. 当被投资企业被出售或经营状况不佳时,清算现金权和偿还权可以起到共同保护创投资本家投资的作用。
- If the company goes public for a high value, the VCs only keep their cash flow rights, ceding the majority of control to the entrepreneurs. 如果公司溢价上市,创投资本家通常只保留资金支配权,而放弃对创业者占多数的控制权。
- With the increase of cash flow right of controlling shareholders, bankruptcy/liquidating will be triggered more early. 随着控股股东现金流权的增加,企业破产/清算触发逐渐提前。
- If the company performs very well, the VCs give up most of their control and liquidation rights and retain only their cash flow rights. 如果企业经营得非常出色,创投资本家会放弃绝大部分的控制和清算权,而只保留对资金的控制权。
- Across the eight economies, there is no clear pattern in the difference in auditor choice between the subsamples distinguished by the wedge of voting and cash flow rights. 在这八个国家中;若按照投票权和现金流量权把采样群再细分;会发现这些次采样群之间;在委任会计师的选择方面所呈现的差异;并无清楚的模式可循.
- Former studies explained the motivation of issuing convertible bond (CB) on the basis of share structure decentralization theory and from the point of view of cash flow rights. 摘要已有的对可转债发行动机的研究主要是基于股权分散假设、从现金流权利的角度进行解释。
- Previous papers argue that cash flow rights serve as the incentives of a controlling shareholder to expropriate outside investors, and document that cash flow rights increase firm value. 在近几年的研究中发现,控制股东的现金权是影响控制股东是否剥削小股东的重要因素;
- The stream then flowed right under their tent! 然后这条小溪正好从他们的帐篷下面流过。
- Even if the smaller cash flow right or the lower ROA, the controlling minority shareholder will not made severely tunneling when the firm is in better investors legal protection environment. 投资者保护越差,越有利于控制性少数股东的隧道挖掘。相反,在投资者保护较好的企业,即使控股股东的现金流权较小,即使其资产收益率较低,也不会发生严重的掏空行为。
- The stream then flowed right under their tent ! 然后这条小溪正好从他们的帐篷下面流过。
- The contract for the cash flow right between the Entrepreneur (EN) and the Venture Capitalist (VC) is of key role for the evolvement of high-tech venture capital (HTVC) integration system. 企业家与创业资本家之间的现金流权利分配契约对于高新技术-创业资本(HTVC)整合系统的演化具有关键作用。
- These quick maintenance features flow right throughout the entire E4 chassis. 这些快速维修的特点流动的权利,在整个批E4类底盘。
- Separation of control and cash flow rights 其最终的结果就是控制权和现金流权的分离
- That meant sewage from the proposed condominiums would flow right down into drinking water. 然而在搬来的第一天早上,这一切对我来说还都是陌生的。
- The business has a cash flow of£50000 a month. 这家商行的现金流转为每月五万英镑。
- The stream wound its way across the field and flowed right under their tents. 那小溪弯弯曲曲穿过田野,然后正好从他们的帐篷底下流过去。
- Can you cash this postal order for me now? 你现在能帮我兑现这张邮政汇票吗?
- The company has cash flow problems recently. 公司最近缺少资金。
- Let's cash in on the fine weather and go out. 我们趁天气好出去玩玩吧。