- His cartridge clip was empty, except for one bullet. 他的弹夹里还剩下唯一的一枚子弹。
- A cartridge clip. 子弹夹
- Presents the elimination of cracks in curvature of cartridge clip link by forming and heat treatment of cartridge clip link, which results in good mechanical properties and elasticity to the satisfaction of users. 通过对弹夹链环成形、热处理工艺的改进 ;有效地消除了链环端面弯曲处存在的裂纹 ;用该工艺生产的产品综合机械性能和弹性好 ;满足了零件要求 .
- Blood stains still remained on the dry slope as well as some empty cartridge clips and shell fragments. 在干枯的斜坡上还留有血迹,以及在枪战中发射的空弹箱和枪榴弹残块。
- She wore a diamond clip on her new dress. 她在新衣服上戴了一枚钻石别针。
- The old car was travelling at quite a clip. 那辆旧汽车开得相当快。
- Please put my charger into your pocket. 请把我的充电器放到你的口袋里。
- She gave him a clip round the ear. 她打了他一记耳光。
- A horse used in combat; a charger. 战马作战所用的马; 军马
- He gave his son a clip on the ear. 他打了儿子一个耳光。
- Such a projectile in a metal casing; a cartridge. 弹药(筒)装在金属盒中的射弹。弹药
- cartridge clip n. 弹夹
- A bottle of local beer costs ten dollars at that clip joint. 本地的啤酒在那黑店里卖到十元一瓶。
- Kits can run from $40.00 up to $100.00 and include at least one of each, a battery, atomizer, charger and cartridge. 电子香烟雾化器价格从40-100美元不等,基本配置包括一节电池,雾化器,充电器和药管。
- These measures will help keep the economy growing at a good clip. 这些措施有助於经济保持高速增长。
- Her charger was, of course, at home. 她想到充电器放在家里,于是查看了一下手机电池量。
- A horse used in combat;a charger. 战马作战所用的马;军马
- These can be exploded with a cartridge. 这些物质可由起爆药起爆。
- Is there a cartridge in your gun? 你的枪里装有子弹吗?
- Recharge only with appropriate charger. 回灌只有适当的充电器。