- He snipped off the corner of the milk carton. 他剪掉牛奶袋的边角。
- He give the foreman a carton of cigarette as a sop. 他给工头一条香烟以表心意。
- carton sealer 封箱机
- We packed the books in a large carton. 我们把书装进一个大纸板箱中。
- Packing one liter bottle15 bottle per carton. 包装:每瓶一公升,每箱15瓶。
- He gave the foreman a carton of cigarettes as a sop. 他给工头一条香烟以表心意。
- Automatic Kok Pin sealer applied mainly to the rapid economic carton packaging, easy adjustment, durable, all-weather suitable for large-scale use. 全自动角边封箱机主要适用于纸箱包装经济快速,容易调整,坚固耐用,适合全天候大量使用。
- As sealer for antifouling paints. 用作防污漆的封闭漆。
- The kid drink up a whole big carton of juice after play in the hot sun. 孩子们在烈日下玩耍後,把一整大盒的果汁喝个精光。
- Use alone or together with L-type sealer. 可单独使用也可与L式封切机配套使用。
- The empty carton can be utilized for egg storage. 这空纸盒可用来盛鸡蛋。
- I want to get a carton of "Camel". 我想要一条"骆驼"牌。
- What do you mean by serving meals by the carton? 你说的供应盒饭是什么意思?
- Just a bottle of scotch and a carton of cigarettes. 只有一瓶苏格兰威士忌和一条香烟。
- Defacing a milk carton is punishable by a $10 fine. 损坏牛奶盒的外观可处以10美元的罚款。
- Folding chairs are packed 2 pieces to a carton. 折叠椅两件装于一个纸板箱中。
- He placed an order for 250 carton of paper. 他订购了250个纸板箱。
- Mr. Carton came up at the moment. 卡尔登先生这时走来。
- The kids drank up a whole big carton of juice after playing in the hot sun. 孩子们在烈日下玩耍後,把一整大盒的果汁喝个精光。
- Remove sealer from axle tube to housing junction, if necessary. 如有必要,拆卸轴管和轴管接头间的密封件。