- carbo animalis [化] 动物炭,[医] 动物炭, 骨炭
- carbo animalis purificatus [医] 精制动物炭
- Pour the D'Carbo content into the carburetor mouth. 倒入D’carbo内容纳入化油器口。
- Le zanzare furon dunque sugli uomini e sugli animali. 摩西回答:“就照着你的话行吧,好叫你知道没有神像耶和华我们的 神。
- Method: the animal experience was made with the rat carbo clearance method. 方法:采用小鼠炭粒廓清法进行动物实验研究。
- The effective carbo number method can be used in designing experimental met... 利用有效碳数法可以设计农药分析实验方案和在无标样的情况下测定农药杂质含量。
- Before climbing it, I pulled over for a carbo intake session and a breather by the side of a nice creek. 爬山前,我骑到一条小溪边,停下来补充能量和做深呼吸。
- Zoomarket [Bolzano] Prodotti per la cura e il benessere dei piccoli animali da compagnia. 成都双流国际机场中国西南地区重要的航空枢纽港和客货集散地。
- Lilli Per tutti gli amanti degli animali: sos, adozioni, smarrimenti ed altri servizi. 钱东中学包括学校概况、德育空间、教学园地、党团建设、校园校容、学生组织。
- Carbo Valve Seat Grinding Wheel is used mainly for valve seat grind in an engine. 汽门座研磨砂轮主要用于引擎中汽车门座研磨。
- The organometallic compounds - catalyzed cyclization reactions in syntheses of carbo -and heterocycles are reviewed. 综述了近年来金属有机化合物催化的环化反应在合成碳20环及杂环化合物中的应用。
- Geschlecht: Herrenuhr Stil: Sportlich Uhrwerk: Caliber: Omega 3603 Armband: Titan Zifferblatt: carbo... 成色 0 (崭新);新;含说明书;所在地: 德国, Essen;
- Crazy_animals_S_r_l_ Vendita online di articoli per animali, prodotti per la cura ed il benessere. I prodotti e le condizioni di vendita. 地区/亚洲/中国/广西/南宁/教育-南宁市三十三中包括高考专栏,校园商城,学生园地,教工之家,教育教学,科研中心和校务管理等。
- Carbo Super Finishing Stick uses the effect of pressurization and swing with forward and backward to make the surface of work piece mirror shinning. 超精砂条研磨是利用加压及往覆式摆振作用将工作物表面镜面化研磨处理。
- Mister_dog_&_co Informazioni relative agli animali da compagnia come cani, criceti, uccelli, pesci, conigli e piccoli roditori. Sono esposti alcuni animali in vendita. 青岛每步数码科技有限公司提供在浏览器的地址栏输入,直达网址访问网站的技术。
- The heat treatment technology of carbo - nitriding of steel has the characteristic of lower treatment temperature and direct quenching. 钢的碳氮共渗热处理工艺具有共渗温度低、可直接淬火等特点。
- Pelomagia [Gessate, BG] Produce attrezzature e cosmetici per la tolettatura degli animali domestici. Presentazione di un piccolo software per tolettatori. 海莱艺术馆主要代理中国艺术名家的油画、雕塑、版画、纸上作品及其它艺术衍生品,并提供学术展览活动、艺术品投资咨询专业服务。
- At first the aprotinin was considered to be affinity ligand and covalently bound onto the magnetic particles via carbo... 论文详细讨论胰蛋白酶亲和纯化条件,将磁性亲合分离法成功地应用于亲和纯化胰蛋白酶。
- Methods: Normal and benign nodular thyroid samples were assayed for ER and PR with Dextran Carbo Activatus Saturation Analysis. 方法:以葡聚糖活性碳饱和分析法测试人正常甲状腺组织20例良性结节各10例及其雌、孕激素受体的表达。
- The selection criterion of the carbo n fillings is introduced, and the excellent performance of various matrix after modification are focused. 重点阐述了炭系导电填料的选定及基体改性后的优异性能。