- We have chosen the peaceful transformation of capitalist industry and commerce. 我们对资本主义工商业采用了和平改造的办法。
- Marx treat capitalist industrial organization in the view of Darwinism. 马克思以进化论的观点来看待资本主义的产业组织。
- Similarly, to transform capitalist industry and commerce is also to work for socialism. 改造资本主义工商业,也是办社会主义。
- Party's Tactics for Transforming Capitalist Industry and Commerce after the Founding of P. R.C. 略论建国后党对资本主义工商业改造的策略思想。
- The story of Jurgis is a story of groans and tears, of poor human beings destroyed by the capitalist industrial machine. 尤吉丝的故事是一篇充满呻吟和泪水的故事,是资本主义工业机器摧残不幸人们的故事.
- The quantitative substantially of the private enterprise is the same as the capitalist industry and commerce before transforming.. 私营企业的数量大体上同改造前的资本主义工商业...
- The other aspect is that the road we are taking today,namely,transforming capitalist industry and commerce,is the one which Lenin had in mind but was unable to take. 另一方面,我们今天对资本主义工商业改造所走的道路,是列宁所想过的,但是列宁没有能实现。
- The other aspect is that the road we are taking today, namely, transforming capitalist industry and commerce, is the one which Lenin had in mind but was unable to take. 另一方面,我们今天对资本主义工商业改造所走的道路,是列宁所想过的,但是列宁没有能实现。
- Marx treats capitalist industrial organization in the view of Darwinism. He thinks enterprises are different, and the differences is accumulative and evolutionary. 马克思以进化论的观点看待资本主义的产业组织,认为产业中各企业是有差异的,而且这种差异是累积的和进化的。
- And representatives of the emerging capitalist industrial, commercial development of the class period is increased dynamic and pioneering spirit of the rich bourgeoisie. 而代表新兴的资本主义工业、商业发展的阶级是上升时期的朝气蓬勃的富有开拓精神的资产阶级。
- Giving concurrent consideration to public and private interests and benefiting both labor and capital used to be our policy towards national capitalist industry and commerce. 公私兼顾,劳资两利曾是我们对民族资本主义工商业的政策。
- Our successful completion of the socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce is one of the most brilliant victories in the history of socialism in China and indeed in the world. 我国资本主义工商业社会主义改造的胜利完成,是我国和世界社会主义历史上最光辉的胜利之一。
- In order to transform capitalist industry and commerce, we adopted the policy of redemption. While changing private ownership into public ownership, the development of the national economy was not affected. 对资本主义工商业,我们采取赎买政策,一方面把它们改造成公有制,另一方面也没有损害国民经济的发展。
- You,my friends,must have learned about China's socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce in the various places you visited. This is a case of integrating the universal truth with the concrete conditions of China. 各位朋友在各地都听到过关于中国资本主义工商业社会主义改造问题的介绍,这就是普遍真理与中国的实际相结合的问题。
- As of last year,when we basically completed the socialist transformation of agriculture,handicrafts and capitalist industry and commerce,we fulfilled our revolutionary tasks by and large. 从去年农业、手工业和资本主义工商业的社会主义改造基本完成时起,革命的任务也就基本上完成了。
- America is a capitalist country. 美国是一个资本主义国家。
- In order to transform capitalist industry and commerce,we adopted the policy of redemption. While changing private ownership into public ownership,the development of the national economy was not affected. 对资本主义工商业,我们采取赎买政策,一方面把它们改造成公有制,另一方面也没有损害国民经济的发展。
- As of last year, when we basically completed the socialist transformation of agriculture, handicrafts and capitalist industry and commerce, we fulfilled our revolutionary tasks by and large. 从去年农业、手工业和资本主义工商业的社会主义改造基本完成时起,革命的任务也就基本上完成了。
- development stage of capitalist industry 资本主义工业发展阶段
- The capitalist system reposes on the exploitation of the labouring people. 资本主义制度建立在剥削劳动人民的基础上。