- I was taken to task for arriving late. 由于迟到我受到了责备。
- He was taken to task for soldiering on the job. 他因磨洋工而受到斥责。
- He is taken to task for soldiering on the job. 他因磨洋工而受到斥责。
- I was taken to task for having Fraser on the board. 有人责问我为什么让费雷泽参加董事会。
- The mother took her son to task for his low marks. 母亲训斥儿子,因为他考试拿了低分。
- They must be taken to task for their incompetence. 他们一定会因他们的无能受责备。
- Were we so fortunate as to have invented this most veracious history and were therefore liable to be called to task for it by Our Lady of Criticism,not against us could the classical rule be cited,Nec deus intersit. 纵然我们不胜荣幸,构思了这样一个千真万确的故事,因而应在批判之神圣母面前承受责任,人们也许在这种场合会引用这么一个古老箴言:“众神不要来干涉”,并非来责难我们的。
- The government was taken to task for the ill city planning. 政府由于不良的城市规划而受谴责。
- He's been taken to task for his habitual lack of punctuality. 他因为经常不准时而受到批评。
- call to task for vt. 为 ... 而责备
- It's wrong of you to take the child to task for such trifling offenses. 因这类小毛病责备那孩子是你的不对。
- America's best buy for a nickel is a telephone call to the right man. 在美国以一枚镍币可购得的最划算的东西,是打电话找到要找的人。
- To take student magazines to task for poking fun at Chairman Mao is really a little extreme. 仅仅因为开毛玩笑就要追究校刊的责任,太过极端了。
- A bell rung as a call to recite this prayer. 天使经钟用来号召进行这种祈祷的钟声
- The ministers waited for a call to the palace. 部长们等候着进宫召见。
- She made a long-distance call to Hong Kong. 她打长途电话到香港。
- He is right in taking the historians to task for slighting this imporatant development. 他对史学家忽略了这重要发展的指责是对的。
- The boss brought him to task over his lateness. 上司因为他迟到而责备他。
- The boss called him to task over his lateness. 上司因为他迟到而责备他。
- Jack was called to account for the missing cash. 杰克被要求对这笔遗失的现金作出解释。