- There is a telephone box on the corner. 拐角处有一个电话亭。
- There is telephone box on the corner. 在拐弯处有一个电话间。
- Vandal have pull the telephone out of the call boxes. 破坏公共财产者将电话机扯到电话亭外。
- Go to a telephone box marked "phonecard. 去一个上面标有 “插卡电话”的电话亭。
- Is there a telephone box in the vicinity? 附近有电话亭吗?
- A freestanding public call box, containing a telephone and usually operated by inserting coins. 每个独立公共电话亭里有一部电话,投进硬币,就可以使用了。
- Vandals have pulled the telephone out of the call boxes. 破坏公共财产者将电话机扯到电话亭外。
- The car slowed down and pulled up by the telephone box. 车子放慢了速度, 在那个电话亭旁边停住了。
- I told the small fry to stay put while I went to the call box. 我告诉他站在那里别动,我去电话亭打电话。
- Scotland's most famous telephone box is still a lure for visitors. 苏格兰最有名的电话亭对游客依旧一种诱惑力。
- Permission was granted and a policeman accompanied him to a call box. 获得了许可后,一名警察陪他来到公用电话亭。
- He was left with no alternative but to hobble to the nearest telephone box. 他别无他法,只能一瘸一拐地走到最近的电话亭。
- Car operation panel and hall call box are labeled as being simple, handsome and full of individuality. 简洁、大方、富有个性的操纵箱、召唤盒。
- Mr Malthouse said: "If you are an American tourist and if you walk into a telephone box you would think it was a *** shop. 马尔萨乌斯说:“如果你是一名美国游客,当你走进伦敦的电话亭时,你会觉得那是个性商店。”
- Mr Malthouse said: "If you are an American tourist and if you walk into a telephone box you would think it was a sex shop. 马尔萨乌斯说:“如果你是一名美国游客,当你走进伦敦的电话亭时,你会觉得那是个性商店。”
- I have to make a telephone call. 我必须打个电话。
- Taxi call boxes would be located at taxi stands, where taxis would queue for trips. 出租车联络箱位于其停车处,在那里出租车排好队,等候上路。
- I'll take the (telephone) call in my office. 我想在我的办公室里接这个电话。
- His telephone call interrupted my train of thought. 他的电话打断了我的思路。
- When I have a telephone of my own I won't have to waste time waiting outside these wretched telephone boxes. 等我自己有了电话,我就不用等在讨厌的电话亭外而浪费时间了。