- See if you can get a line on the new man. 看你能否打听到新来人的情况。
- He drew an oblique line on paper. 他在纸上划了一条斜线。
- He drew a straight line on the paper. 他在纸上画了一条直线。
- I absolutely reject the management's line on this. 我断然否绝经理部门处理此事的方法。
- Can you give me a line on the new boss? 你能跟我讲讲新老板的情况吗?
- Our revolution depends on cadres,as Stalin said. 我们的革命依靠干部,正像斯大林所说的。
- Got a line on the computer project. 得到关于计算机计划的信息
- He takes a hard line on the question of punishing young criminals. 在处罚少年犯的问题上,他是采取强硬路线的。
- The government is taking a tough line on drug abuse. 政府对滥用麻醉药品采取强硬方针。
- They should mainly depend on cadres trained in their own schools. 应该主要靠自己培养干部。
- Some MPs refused to follow/toe the party line on defence. 有些议员拒不遵循党的防务政策。
- The red lines on the map represent railways. 这张地图上的红线代表铁路。
- Draw a straight line on the paper. 在纸上画一条直线。
- The streets were lined on both sides with people. 街道两旁都站著人。
- Oppose an incorrect, sectarian policy on cadres, and uphold the correct policy on cadres. 反对不正确的宗派主义的干部政策,承认正确的干部政策;
- One of the spaces between the cushion and the balk line on a billiard table. 桌球台位于橡皮边和阻碍线之间的空间之一。
- He is now dropping a line on the bridge. 他正在桥上放钩钓鱼。
- What is the party line on nuclear weapons? 这个政党对核武器的正式立场是什么?
- In addition to limits on cadres' ages, there should be limits on their number in a given unit. 不仅年龄有限制,干部的名额也有限制。
- You'll see a dotted line on the last page. 你会在最后一页上看到一条虚线。