- The cabinet members resigned en bloc. 内阁成员集体辞职。
- The President appointed a new cabinet member. 总统任命了一个新的内阁成员。
- How do cabinet members get their jobs? 内阁人员如何取得职位?
- The President appointed a new cabinet member . 总统任命了一个新的内阁成员。
- He also met his cabinet members here. 他也在这儿接见他的大臣们。
- Several cabinet members tendered their resignations. 数位内阁成员都递出了辞呈。
- The office or post of a cabinet member or minister of state. 内阁阁员或部长的职务或职位。
- Burmese nationalist Aung San and 6 of his cabinet members were assassinated. 1947年的今天,缅甸民族主义者昂山将军和其六名内阁遭暗杀。
- French and German cabinet members were conferring on economic issues. 法国;巴黎:法国与德国的内阁成员正在商讨经济问题.
- After finishing,he asked his cabinet members whether he had convincingly refuted all accusations and successfully defended his action. 讲完后,他问内阁成员们他是否已经驳倒了所有的指控,成功地为自己进行了辩护。
- What added to the inherent power of his position and his burdens was the weakness of two key Cabinet members,Rogers and Laird. 两个关键性的内阁成员罗杰斯和莱尔德的软弱无能,又加重了基辛格原有的职权和负担。
- Two cabinet members have dropped out,so you'll be able to run for the presidential race. 两个内阁成员已退出,所以你可以参加总统竞选。
- What is the executive branch of our government? A: The President, Cabinet and departments under the Cabinet members. 哪些是美国的行政机关?答:总统,内阁,内阁下各部门。
- The Head of Government is the President of the Republic. The President appoints a Vice-President and Cabinet Members. 总统为政府首脑,副总统和内阁成员由总统任命。
- Cabinet members, meeting Wednesday, agreed to send troops as far as 30 kilometers into Lebanon, to the Litani River. 内阁成员星期叁开会,一致同意让部队向黎巴嫩境内30公里处的利塔尼河进发。
- Cabinet members, meeting Wednesday, agreed to send troo as far as 30 kilometers into Lebanon, to the Litani River. 内阁成员星期三开会,一致同意让部队向黎巴嫩境内30公里处的利塔尼河进发。
- President-elects traditionally focus on their transition period and naming cabinet members. 过去,美国当选总统在这样的时候发表讲话谈的都是如何过渡接班,如何安排内阁成员。
- The executive power is vested in the cabinet.The Prime Minister and other cabinet members areappointed by the President of the Republic. 内阁执掌国家行政权力,总理和内阁成员由总统任命。
- Former cabinet members, such as the long-aggrieved Charles Clarke and the stalwart David Blunkett, have publicly deplored his performance. 前内阁成员,比如长期郁郁不得志的查尔斯克拉克和铁血悍将大卫布莱克都公开批评布朗的表现。
- Only one of the 28 cabinet members present at Sunday's extraordinary session reportedly voted against the pact, although 9 others did not attend. 据报道,在周日特别会议中,只有1/28的在场内阁成员表示反对协定,另外有9个内阁成员没有出席会议。