- 华支睾吸虫囊蚴cDNA表达文库的构建及鉴定 Construction and Identification of a cDNA Expression Library from Clonorchis sinensis Metacercaria
- 雨生红球藻cDNA表达文库的构建与初步分析 Construction and Identification of cDNA Expression Library from Haematococcus pluvialis
- 黑胸大蠊若虫免疫兔血清对美洲大蠊若虫cDNA表达文库的筛选及克隆分析 Immunoscreening of the Periplaneta americana Nymph cDNA Library with Periplaneta fulignosa Immunized Rabbit Sera
- 本文应用SMART~(TM) cDNA Library Construction Kit的方法,以成体文昌鱼肠为研究材料,构建了以真核表达载体pcDNA3为基础的cDNA表达文库。 In the present study, a cDNA expression library was constructed according to SMART cDNA library construction kit user manual from the adult amphioxus guts using pcDNA3 eukaryotic expression vector.
- 表达 to voice (an opinion)
- 美洲大蠊若虫cDNA表达文库的构建和初步鉴定 Construction and primary characterization of cDNA expression library of Periplaneta Americana nymrh
- 表达的 expressive
- 表达方式 turn of expression
- 表达能力 ability of expression
- 随病变进展HPV16 cDNA表达增加,与宫颈癌及宫颈上皮内瘤变呈正相关。 Between the expression of HPV16 cDNA and cervical carcinoma,CINs there was positive correlation(P<0.01).
- 表达出 give expression to
- cDNA入门文库 cDNA entry library
- 表达法 representation
- cDNA噬菌体文库 cDNA phage library
- 我们用言语表达思想。 We express our thoughts by speech.
- 表达载体 expression vector
- 不善于表达的 inarticulate
- 蚕豆全植株cDNA文库 whole plant cDNA library of Vicia faba Linn
- 协议的细节需要更加确切的表达。 The details of the agreement need more exact statement.
- 酵母双杂交cDNA文库 Yeast two-hybrid cDNA library