- She bought a remnant of silk at a bargain. 她廉价购得一块零头丝布。
- These carpets are for sale at a bargain price. 这些地毯以优惠价出售。
- Employees are privileged to buy at a discount. 雇员有打折购买的特权。
- I am selling this at a bargain basement price. 我以低价将此出售。
- To buy at a lower price than a competitor. 出低价买买得比对的所出价便宜
- She's a rare fellow at a bargain. 她才是一个了不起的会买东西的家伙呢。
- These carpet is for sale at a bargain price. 这些地毯以优惠价出售。
- I am selling this at a bargain basement price . 我以低价将此出售。
- These goods are offered at a bargain. 那些货物廉价出售。
- She bought the book at a bargain. 她廉价买到那本书。
- I saw a car advertised at a bargain price in the local paper but it had already been snapped up when I phoned the seller. 我在地方报纸上看到一则广告,说有一辆新车廉价出售,但我打电话给出售者时,被告知那辆车早已被人抢先一步买去了。
- Hard-to-get theater tickets can be bought at a premium. 紧俏的戏票能以高价买到。
- The furniture had been bought at a valuation. 那套家具是按估定的价格买来的。
- Friendship is hard to be bought at a bazaar. 市场上友谊难买。
- Friendship is not to be bought at a fair. 市场上友谊难买。
- An order to sell or buy at a certain price or better. 在一定或更好的价格下,买入或者卖出的定单。
- If you buy at a car auction you take the vehicle as seen. 终于写完了,今天感觉有些累呢,先闪了,大家看看吧。
- Though still in his teens, Tom is shrewd at a bargain. 虽然汤姆才十多岁, 可是讨价还价却很在行。
- buy at a bargain 订购;购得便宜
- You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. 因为你们是重价买来的。所以要在你们的身子上荣耀神。