- Poor John was the butt of all their jokes. 可怜的约翰是他们嘲笑的对象。
- Don't butt in like that when I'm speaking. 我讲话时别这样打断我的话。
- He gave me a butt on the stomach. 他在我腹部撞了一下。
- He was clubbed to death with a butt of a gun. 他是被人用枪托殴打致死的。
- Rest the butt of the rifle on the ground. 把步枪竖放在地上。
- May I butt in on your conversation? 我可以插句话吗?
- A small ingot of nonferrous metal. 小型的非金属铸块
- I'm sorry to butt in, but I have to disagree with you. 对不起,我打断你了,可是我不得不与你持相反的意思。
- A gold ingot with the refiner's stamp. 带有锻工标志的金锭
- He deserves it. He's been working his butt off since he started last fall. 应该的。自从他去年秋天到职以来就一直很拼命地工作。
- His master granted him a small ingot of silver. 主人赏给他一锭银子。
- There is not lamella in the ingot. 钢锭没有明显的片层状组织。
- The goat gave me a butt in the stomach! 那头山羊用角抵我的肚子。
- The butt of whimsical persecution. 异想天开迫害的对象。
- All this scuttle butt was laughed off as nonsense. 这些小道消息被当作一派胡言而一笑置之。
- He stamped his butt on the floor. 他在地板上踩灭了他的烟蒂。
- Don't fling the cigarette butt out of the window. 别把香烟头扔到窗外去。
- I can lash my knife to the butt of one of the oars. 我可以把我的刀子绑在一只桨把上。
- She threw the cigarette butt into the ashtray. 她把烟头扔进烟灰缸。
- Thus a high quality ingot with good surface finish is produced. 这样具有良好表面光洁度的高质量钢锭就生产出来了。