- Follow-up operate enterprise is confirmre by business contract. 第六后续配套操作企业根据客户委托。
- But is there a dark side to this business contract of lifelong dedication? 然而这种终生奉献给公司的工作契约是否有其黑暗的一面呢?
- Evidence of Investment in real estate: Business Contract, Rental contract, evidence of mortgages against properties. 房地产投资付款证明,买卖合同、租赁合同、由相关抵押评估报告。
- Business contract, as a legal document, bears intensive legibility in meaning with formal style and distinct formulation in structure. 商务合同是一种严肃的法律公文,具有文体正式、词准确明晰、式化的结构和表达等特点。
- Article Housing fund management center should be entrusted to supervise the bank in time to entrust the business contract. 第三十五条 住房公积金管理中心应当督促受委托银行及时办理委托合同约定的业务。
- The registration of false Secondhand house business contract is the bahavior that exists universally in china and does great harm to the national tax benefits. 摘要二手房虚假买卖合同登记是我国目前二手房买卖中普遍存在的严重损害国家税收利益的行为。
- Contract Law widely refers to foreign successful experiment on legislation and prescribes warranty against defects of title in the business contract chapter. 合同法广泛参考并借鉴了外国的成功立法经验,在买卖合同一章中引进并规定权利瑕疵担保责任制度即是这次立法的成果之一。
- The two businesses contracted a merger. 两家商行签约合并了。
- The two businesses contracted a merger . 这两家公司签约合并为一家。
- The two businesses contracted merger. 两家商行签约合并了。
- This paper offers an analysis of the linguistic features of business contract English at the lexical level and explores and summarizes some basic rules and principles in its E-C translation. 本文从词法层面分析经贸合同英语的语言特征,探讨和归纳经贸合同英汉翻译的一些基本规律和原则。
- The firm will go under unless business improves. 生意若无起色,公司非垮不可。
- The business is owned by two partners. 这家商行为两名合伙人所拥有。
- Owing to the incompleteness of business contract,supervision constitutes an important mechanism for coordinating the interest of all contracting parties. 由于企业契约的不完全性,监督成为各契约参与人利益协调的重要机制。
- Customers from various countries and regions are welcome to establish and develop business contracts. 欢迎世界各地客商进一步加强合作,建立和发展贸易关系。
- In its long development, English for business contracts has acquired distinct stylistic characteristics. 商务合同英语在其长期的使用过程中,形成了鲜明的文体特征。
- To Bargain is unavoidaBle in Business. 做生意就是要讨价还价。
- If you are having British friends or business contracts,one of your hosts will probably buy the first round,but you should be quick to offer the next. 你如果和英国朋友在一起或者在洽谈商业合同,接待你的主人中有一位可能买第一轮酒,而你应该很快表示买下一轮的。
- Moving house is a vexatious business. 搬家是件麻烦的事情。
- In explicating this point, the author stresses that the features of English words in business contracts account for the distinctive translation. 好的商务合同的翻译很注意词在表达意义时所起的作用。