- The two countries decided to finally bury the hatchet. 两国决定休战。
- Where did you bury the cat's body? 你把猫的尸体埋在哪里了?
- They dug a pit to bury the rubbish. 他们挖了一个坑把垃圾埋掉。
- bury the tomahawk vi. 休战(埋掉战斧;和解;讲和;妥协)
- They agreed to bury the whole thing. 他们同意把整个事情忘掉。
- "Let's bury the hatchet," he said. “让我们讲和吧
- The tomahawk was important to the American Indian. 战斧对美洲印第安人极为重要。
- All right! Let's bury the hatchet and be friends. 好了,让我们捐弃前嫌,结为朋友。
- If I were you, I'd bury the hatchet. 如果我是你,我就讲和。
- Bury the creature if you lose control of Seraph. 如果你不再操控六翼天使,则埋葬此生物。
- Let bygones be bygones/ Let the dead bury the dead. 过去的事就让它过去吧,不要再提了。
- They returned in turn to bury the burnt luxuries . 他们轮流返回来埋藏烧毁的奢侈品。
- I think you should bury the hatchet and invite them to spend Christmas with you as you used to. It is supposed to be the season of peace and good will after all. 我认为你们应该和解,像往常一样邀请他们来与你共度圣诞节。毕竟,现在应该是和平与衷心祝福的时候。
- We have agreed to bury the hatchet. 前嫌尽释。
- Just bury the hatchet and go have a drink together! 别吵了,一起去喝一杯吧!
- Those who knew his character, thought the captive in imminent danger, when he took his stand, and poised the tomahawk. 大凡知道他品性的人,见他选好位置,拿稳战斧,知道俘虏这下可是凶多吉少。
- All right. Let's bury the hatchet and be friends. 好了,让我们捐弃前嫌,成为朋友。
- I had to tweak the Tomahawk tag library to get the Tomahawk calendar component in my application. 我必须调整Tomahawk标记库才能在应用程序中得到Tomahawk的日历组件。
- Bury the old world and build a new one. 埋葬旧世界, 建设新世界。
- The last 31 hulls of the class have 12 vertical launch tubes for the Tomahawk cruise missile. 在新的31级的船体上有12个可以垂直发射战斧巡弋飞弹的管道.